Batch Cancelling Orders

Batch cancelling orders is available in Sierra 6.2 and later.

To batch cancel orders, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • To batch cancel orders without sending cancellation letters, permission 147 (Batch cancel orders) and permission 79 (Cancel upon vendor notification).
  • To batch cancel orders and send cancellation letters, permission 147 (Batch cancel orders) and permission 148 (Claim/cancel orders).

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Sierra's Batch Cancel Orders function allows you to cancel multiple orders from a review file in a single process. The system ignores whether the orders in the review file are claimable or not. This functionality is useful in scenarios such as:

Batch Cancel Orders offers two workflows:

To batch cancel orders:

  1. Create a review file containing the order records you want to cancel.
  2. Select Batch Cancel Orders from the Function drop-down list.
  3. Select a review file from the dropdown list, and click Show. Sierra displays the orders in the review file in a table.
  4. Select one of the following options:

After processing the orders, Sierra displays the table of orders with updated statuses. If the system was able to cancel an order, it will have an interim status of "Cancellation not complete" in the Status column. This status remains until you post the cancellation.

  1. If you chose to send cancellation letters, print the cancellation letter.
  2. Post the session containing the canceled orders. Sierra does the following:
    • Updates the order's STATUS field to "z" cancelled (fully disencumbered).
    • Adds an INT NOTE field to the order record.
    • Disencumbers the order records' funds.

Order Record Display in Batch Cancel Orders

When you select a review file in the Batch Cancel Orders function, Sierra displays the orders in a table. For example:

Table of orders from the review file

After processing the orders, the system displays the table again with updated statuses.

The following shows the data that appears for each order and its source.

Column Name Data Source
Record Order record number.
Title TITLE variable-length field from the bibliographic record that the order is attached to
Order Date ODATE fixed-length field from the order record
Order Type ORD Type fixed-length field from the order record
Vendor VENDOR fixed-length field from the order record

One of the following:

  • If there is one fund in the order, the FUND fixed-length field from the order record.
  • If there are multiple funds in the order, the FUNDS variable-length field from the order record.
Estimated Price E_PRICE fixed-length field from the order record
Copies COPIES fixed-length field from the order record
Volumes VOLUMES fixed-length field from the order record

STATUS of the order record. Note that you cannot cancel orders with the following statuses:

  • z - cancelled (fully disencumbered)
  • 1 - On hold (not yet encumbered)
  • 2 - Approval rejection (not encumbered)

Canceled orders have the interim status of "Cancellation not completed" until you post the cancellations.