Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information

If your library has acquired the Interlibrary Loan product, you can use the Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information circulation option to specify the email parameters for ILL-related messages sent via email to your ILL suppliers. The system can send ILL messages via email to ILL suppliers with valid email addresses in their institutional patron records.

To set up your system to send ILL notices to patrons via email (e.g., overdue notices, hold pickup notices, etc.), see the Notices: E-mail notice information circulation option.

The Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information screen resembles the following:

                      Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information
1 > e-mail FROM
2 > e-mail REPLY TO
3 > e-mail SUBJECT line.......................................ILL Dept
4 > Tag of PATRON record field containing the e-mail address..z
5 > e-mail CC address.........................................NOT SET

 Key a number or                                                                       
 R > RETURN to Circulation menu                                             
 Choose one (1-5,R)   

Specify the parameters for each field as follows:

Email Information Field Required? Description
1 > e-mail FROM address Required The FROM address that appears in the email header. This is also the address to which all returned ("bounced") mail will be sent.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @<domain>. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server. The fully qualified email address cannot resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address).

If this entry is blank, the ability to send ILL messages via email is disabled.
2 > e-mail REPLY TO field Optional The Reply To address that appears in the email header.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @<domain>. For example, "" sends reply email to the email account "reply" on the "" server. Use a fully qualified email address that does not resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters. This address will not be verified prior to sending the message.

If this entry is blank, emails are sent with a blank Reply To field.

For a parenthetical name to follow the reply-to address, add it here.
3 > e-mail SUBJECT line Optional The Subject that appears in the email header. Spaces are allowed in this entry. If this entry is blank, emails are sent with a blank Subject line.
4 > Tag of PATRON record field containing the e-mail address Required The field tag of the field in the institutional patron record that stores the email address for the ILL supplier.
5 > e-mail CC address Optional If this entry contains a valid email address, the system sends a duplicate copy of the message to this address. Note that you should enter only one email CC address; the system does not recognize multiple email addresses in this field.
Branch Address Table Overrides Fields in Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information

If your library's Branch Addresses table contains email addresses in the E-Mail Source and/or E-mail Reply-To elements, those email addresses override the e-mail FROM address and e-mail REPLY TO field, respectively, in the Inter-Library Loans: E-mail information circulation option.

See also:
Sending Circulation Notices via E-Mail
Notices: E-mail notice information