Codes used

The CODES used option in Admin Corner allows you to view the codes used in your system. This menu option only allows viewing or printing of codes. When you select this option, a screen similar to the one below appears:


M > MARC load tables
E > MARC export tables
H > HOLDING symbols
I > Display INDEX rules
Choose one (M,E,H,I,Q)

Page through each list by pressing <SPACE> to continue. To stop looking at a particular list, press the <ESCAPE> key to return to the code list menu.

M > MARC load tables

This option enables you to view the tables that the system uses when loading MARC records. For example:

                                MARC LOAD TABLES
 1 > Standard AUTHORITY record (m2btab.a)
 2 > NAME AUTHORITY record (m2btab.anam)
 3 > SUBJECT AUTHORITY record (m2btab.asub)
 4 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record (m2btab.b)
 5 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC and ORDER record (
 6 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from tape (m2btab.bta)
 7 > INNOVATIVE field tags in the Full Screen Editor (m2btab.fse)
 8 > PATRON record (m2btab.p)

  Key a number or
  A > Show ALL           O > OTHER Conversion File           Q > QUIT
  Choose one (1-8,A,O,Q)

The MARC load tables option also can present the table that the Innovative Full Screen Editor uses to map MARC tags to Innovative field group tags (m2btab.fse). If this table does not appear in the presented list, select the O > OTHER Conversion File option and enter fse when prompted for the table suffix.

For example, choose BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from the list to view the table for mapping bibliographic record MARC tags to Innovative field group tags:

                      BIBLIOGRAPHIC record (.b)  (m2btab.b)
 19 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        ISBN/ISSN(i)         028        ab
 20 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        MARC(y)              030-049    ALL
 21 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        MARC(y)              069-074    ALL
 22 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        GOVT. DOC#(g)        086        ALL
 23 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        MARC(y)              088        ALL
 24 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        AUTHOR(a)            100-111    REM w
 25 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        ADD TITLE(u)         130        REM w
 26 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC        ADD TITLE(u)         210-214    ALL

  F > FORWARD      B > BACKWARD      J > JUMP     + > ADDITIONAL options
  Choose one (F,B,J,S,P,Q,D,+)  

The SUBFIELDS column can include the following codes:


Retain only the specified subfields from this tag ('a' and 'b' in row "19" of the example above).


Retain all subfields in this tag.

REM <subfields>

Remove the specified subfield from this tag, but retain all others.

E > MARC export tables

This option allows you to view the tables that the system uses when exporting records in MARC format. For example:

                                MARC EXPORT TABLES
 1 > Default Table (b2mtab)
 2 > Other Table (b2mtab.exp)
 3 > Order Record Purge (b2mtab.pur)
  Key a number or
  Q > QUIT
  Choose one (1-3,Q)

H > HOLDING symbols

This option allows you to view the table that the system uses to derive library location codes from holding symbols in downloaded records. This table determines which field(s) in the incoming records contain holding symbols and how they are to be extracted for each of the library's locations. You can edit the Holding Symbol file with Advanced System Access & Administration. See Holding Symbol for more information.

I > Display INDEX rules

The Advanced Word Searching method installed on your system is displayed at the top of this screen. Beneath that, separate tables display for each record type that can be loaded into the system (bibliographic, bibliographic with order, authority, patron, etc.). These files are maintained by Innovative. Select the index rule table from the presented list, as shown below:

                                   INDEX RULES
Advanced Word Searching: Method II
 2 > ORDER
 4 > ITEM
  Key a number or
  Q > QUIT                              A > Show ALL

For example, selecting BIBLIOGRAPHIC from this list presents the index rules for bibliographic records:

                            BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX RULES
       FIELD NAME         MARC TAG   SUBFIELDS            INDEX
 001 > OCLC #(o)          001        N/A                OCLC NO(o)
 002 > ISBN/ISSN(i)       020        KEEP a             ISN(i)
 003 > ISBN/ISSN(i)       022        KEEP a             ISN(i)
 004 > ISBN/ISSN(i)       024        KEEP a             ISN(i)
 005 > ISBN/ISSN(i)       028        KEEP ALL           ISN(i)
 006 > GOVT. DOC#(g)      086        KEEP a             GOVT DOC #(g)
 007 > AUTHOR(a)          100        KEEP aqbcd         AUTHOR(a)
 008 > AUTHOR(a)          100        KEEP tflnp         TITLE(t)
 009 > AUTHOR(a)          100        KEEP tfglmnoprsv   TITLE(t)
 010 > AUTHOR(a)          100        KEEP mpt           KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 011 > AUTHOR(a)          110        KEEP abcd          AUTHOR(a)
 012 > AUTHOR(a)          110        KEEP tflp          TITLE(t)
 013 > AUTHOR(a)          110        KEEP tfglmnoprsv   TITLE(t)
 014 > AUTHOR(a)          110        KEEP abmpt         KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 015 > AUTHOR(a)          111        KEEP aqdceg        AUTHOR(a)
 016 > AUTHOR(a)          111        KEEP tflp          TITLE(t)
 017 > AUTHOR(a)          111        KEEP tfklpsv       TITLE(t)
 018 > AUTHOR(a)          111        KEEP aepqt         KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 019 > TITLE(t)           130        REM  h6            TITLE(t)
 020 > TITLE(t)           130        KEEP tp            TITLE(t)
 021 > TITLE(t)           130        KEEP ampt          KEYWORD(Y)
 022 > TITLE(t)           130        KEEP ampt          KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 023 > TITLE(t)           240        REM  h6            TITLE(t)
 024 > TITLE(t)           240        KEEP amp           KEYWORD(Y)
 025 > TITLE(t)           240        KEEP amp           KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 026 > TITLE(t)           245        REM  hc6           TITLE(t)
 027 > TITLE(t)           245        KEEP abp           KEYWORD(Y)
 028 > TITLE(t)           245        KEEP a             DERIVED TITLE(k)
 029 > TITLE(t)           245        KEEP abp           KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 030 > TITLE(t)           245        KEEP abp           KEYWORD(X)
 031 > ADD TITLE(u)       246        REM  h6            TITLE(t)
 032 > ADD TITLE(u)       246        KEEP abp           KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 033 > ADD TITLE(u)       247        REM  hx6           TITLE(t)
 034 > SERIES(s)          400.0      KEEP aqbcd         AUTHOR(a)
 035 > SERIES(s)          400.0      KEEP tpvn          TITLE(t)
 036 > SERIES(s)          400.0      KEEP tpv           KEYWORD(Y)
 037 > SERIES(s)          400.0      KEEP mpt           KEYWORD NOTES(W)
 038 > SERIES(s)          410.0      KEEP abcd          AUTHOR(a)
 039 > TOC DATA(k)        970[12].   EACH f             AUTHOR(a)
 040 > MISC(f)            42[1-3]    REM  s4            AUTHOR(a)
  Choose one (F,J,S,P,Q)

The MARC TAG column can include the following variables:

The SUBFIELDS column can include the following codes: