Polaris PowerPAC Profiles Reference

These profiles are available on the Profiles > PowerPAC tab in the Administration Explorer at the listed organizational levels.


Org Levels


Default Setting

3M PAMS: Enabled

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether 3M™ Public Access Management System “smart cards” are used at public access workstations in the library.

Requirement: Set Single Logon: Enable to Yes in PowerPAC Profiles. List workstation with readers in the In-House IP Addresses table.

No (no smart card use)

Aeon item requests enabled System, Library, Branch Determines whether Aeon special collection item requests are enabled for the organization. No
Aeon OpenURL prefix System, Library, Branch

Specifies the Aeon URL prefix. Polaris uses this prefix to construct the URLs that submit special collection item requests to Aeon.

Contact Innovative to determine your Aeon OpenURL prefix.

Ask us: Require login

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether users must be registered patrons to send a question to the library by email, using the Ask Us feature. See Set up and start Ask Us.

Yes - Patrons must log in with a barcode and password to use Ask Us. If set to No, the Ask Us log-in page displays a Guest button that bypasses log-in.

Bookmarking & Sharing: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Enable social bookmarking for titles in PowerPAC search results. See Social Bookmarking for Search Results (AddThis™).


Bookmarking & Sharing: Profile ID for AddThis analytics

System, Library, Branch

Specify your AddThis profile ID for social bookmarking analytics. See Social Bookmarking for Search Results (AddThis™).

Branch switching: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether the Switch to another branch list is displayed on Polaris PowerPAC pages. The Switch to another branch list allows patrons to select another library in the system. See Setting Up Polaris PowerPAC.

Yes - The Switch to another branch list is displayed in Polaris PowerPAC.

Categorization of ESource targets

System, Library, Branch

Displays the E-Source Target Categorization dialog box, which is used to set up e-sources (proprietary non-Z39.50 databases) and organize e-source targets as a finding aid. See Setting Up E-Source Targets.

Cookie acceptance: Enable System Determines whether PowerPAC displays the cookie policy message. See Prompting PowerPAC Users to Accept Cookies. No
Cookie acceptance: External workstation retention period System Determines how frequently the cookie policy message appears for external patrons. See Configuring How Frequently the Cookie Policy Message Appears. 365 (days)

Dashboards: Expanded

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default display of most lists (Web parts) on the dashboard to expanded or closed. Patrons can select the title bar of any list to expand or close the list.

Yes - Dashboard lists are expanded by default.

Dashboards: Narrow your search & related searches

System, Library, Branch

Enables and sets up the Narrow and Related Web parts settings that are displayed with search results. See Setting PowerPAC Narrow/Related Search Options.

Both web parts are enabled and all possible elements are displayed.

Dashboards: Web page / web part assignment

System, Library, Branch

Displays the Web Page - Web Part Configuration dialog box, to specify which Web parts display in the dashboards on specific Web pages for each branch. See Defining Web Parts for Dashboards.

Requirement: Define Web parts at the system level, using the profile Dashboards: Web Part Construction (PowerPAC profiles).

Dashboards: Web part construction


Displays the Web Part Editor dialog box, to create custom Web parts for dashboards and limit the number of items on automated lists in Web parts. See Defining Web Parts for Dashboards.

Requirement: Assign the Web parts to specific Polaris PowerPAC pages using the profile Dashboards: Web Page / Web Part Assignment (PowerPAC profiles).

Did you mean: Suggestions are to display even when hits are returned

System, Library, Branch

For Polaris PowerPAC, specifies whether Did You Mean search suggestions are displayed with search results (Y), or only when a search returns no hits (N). (Profile does not affect Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition.) See Setting Up Did You Mean Term Checking.

No - Suggestions are displayed only when a search returns no hits.

Enable logging of transactions


Determines whether the system logs information about transactions (such as hold requests and self-registration) initiated in PowerPAC.


Feature It: Screen display options

System, Library, Branch

Enables Feature It promotions in Polaris PowerPAC and specifies the promotion position in the search results display. See Feature It Promotions.

Feature It is available by specific contract to your library.

Google Preview: Enable on full display

System, Library, Branch

Enables the Google Preview (book viewer) feature on the product page for a title in PowerPAC search results. See Google Preview for PowerPAC Search Results.

Yes - Google Preview button is displayed for titles that have previews in Google Book Search.

Google Preview: Enable on search results pages

System, Library, Branch

Enables the Google Preview (book viewer) feature on the initial search results pages. See Google Preview for PowerPAC Search Results.

Yes - On the initial search results page, the Google Preview button is displayed for titles that have previews in Google Book Search.

Highlight local items in matching title view

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether titles with at least one local item are highlighted in search results. See Highlighting Titles with Local Items (PowerPAC).

No - No titles are highlighted.

In-house access definitions: Setup

System, Library, Branch

Controls how a workstation’s in-house status is determined for PAC patron actions (patron inactivity timeout, Recently Viewed Titles) and e-source access. The system uses the settings of the Polaris PowerPAC connection organization. If you select In-House IP Addresses Table only, a workstation’s IP address must be included in that table to be considered in-house. If you select In-House IP Addresses Table AND registered workstations (default), a workstation’s IP address can either be included in the In-House IP Addresses table or the workstation can be registered in Polaris to be considered in-house.

Item availability: “Text it” feature enabled

System, Library, Branch

Allows patrons to send a call number by text message from the item availability view in PowerPAC or Mobile PAC search results. See Sending Call Numbers by Text Message (PowerPAC) and Text It in Mobile PAC (Mobile PAC).


Item availability: Display last circ date

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether the Item Availability display includes the last circulation date of the item.

Yes (displays last circulation date)

Item availability: Display local and system levels

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether all system holdings are displayed in one list (setting is No), or local and system holdings are displayed in separate lists (setting is Yes).


Item availability: Display notes

System, Library, Branch

Offers options for item/issue public notes display: hover over icon to display note text, display text, or do not display.

Icon display

Item availability: Display textual holdings notes

System, Library, Branch

Offers options for displaying serials textual holdings notes: hover over/tap icon to display note, display text or do not display.

Icon display

Item availability: Expand non-serial titles

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default item availability display to expanded or closed for non-serial items (those with no holdings statement for the branch). Patrons can select branch and collection controls to expand or close the list of items under each branch and collection.

Yes - Branches and collections in the item availability display are expanded by default.

Item availability: Expand serial titles

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default item availability display to expanded or collapsed for serial items (those with a holdings statement for the branch). Patrons can select branch and collection controls to expand or collapse the list of items under each branch and collection.

No - Branches and collections in the item availability display collapsed by default.

Librarian’s (MARC) View: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Displays (default) or suppresses the Librarian’s View (MARC record view) in PAC search results when the patron clicks the format icon for a title in PowerPAC, the Librarian’s View option on the product page for a title in PowerPAC, or the Librarian’s View link for a title in Mobile PAC search results.


Local call number indexed field: Limit choice

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can browse-search the local (item-level) call number index only, or browse-search the Dewey or LC call number indexes for bibliographic records, as well as the local call number index.

Yes - Allows patrons to browse-search the local item-level call number index only, and suppress the Dewey and LC bibliographic record choices. Set at the system level, when Polaris PowerPAC users are connected to the system organization, this setting suppresses all call number options for browse searching.

When set to No, provides choices for call number browse searches: local (item-level), LC (bibliographic record level), and Dewey (bibliographic record level). Set at the system level, when Polaris PowerPAC users are connected to the system organization, this setting offers the Dewey and LC bibliographic record choices for browsing call numbers.

Navigation: Advanced

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can use the Advanced search dialog box to create complex Boolean searches. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Advanced option is displayed on the Search submenu.

Navigation: Ask us

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can send suggestions, questions, and comments via email message to the library.

Yes - The Ask Us option is displayed on the Library Info menu.

Navigation: Boolean

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can use the Common Query Language (CQL) syntax to create complex searches. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Boolean option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: Browse

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can browse the heading indexes. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Browse option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: Children’s PAC

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can access PowerPAC Children’s Edition from PowerPAC.

No - The Kid’s Catalog link is not available.

PowerPAC Children’s Edition is available by specific contract to your library. If your Polaris installation does not include PowerPAC Children’s Edition, this option is not available.

Navigation: Claimed and Lost

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can see their claimed and lost items.

No - Claimed and lost items do not appear on patron's account.

If the profile is set to Yes for the patron's registered branch, any claimed or lost items the patron has are displayed in their PowerPAC account.

Navigation: Course reserves

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can search for course reserve records and reserve item records.

No - Course reserve searching is not available.

Polaris course reserve functions are available by specific contract to your library. If your Polaris installation does not include Polaris course reserves, this option is not available.

Navigation: E-Sources

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can access E-Sources, which are non-Z39.50, proprietary databases that may require authentication for use. See Setting Up E-Source Targets.

Yes - The E-Sources option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: Events

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can display the Events page. For information about editing the Events page, see Add text to the Events page.

Yes - The Events option is displayed on the Library Info menu.

Navigation: Exact

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can search the public catalog with the exact text (including stop words) shown in the Search box. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Exact option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: Fines & Fees

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can view the fines and fees associated with their library accounts. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch.

Requirement: Set Navigation: Patron Account to Yes (PowerPAC profile).

Yes - The Fines & Fees option is displayed on the My Account menu.

Navigation: Hours

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can display the Hours page. For information about specifying information for the Hours page, see Set Polaris PowerPAC features on the menu bar.

Yes - The Hours option is displayed on the Library Info menu.

Navigation: Items out

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can view the items checked out to their library card. If you allow renewals from the PAC, patrons select the items on this page. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch.

Requirement: Set Navigation: Patron Account to Yes (PowerPAC profile). To allow patrons to renew items, set Patron Access: Renew permitted to Yes (PAC profile). You can block renewals under certain circumstances.

Yes - The Items Out option is displayed on the My Account menu.

Navigation: Keyword

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can do a keyword search. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Keyword option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: My record

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can view their library account information. For example, if you allow patrons to update their registration information, change their passwords from the PAC, or manage reading histories, this page provides the appropriate links.

Requirement: Set Navigation: Patron Account to Yes (PowerPAC profile). For information on allowing patrons to update their accounts from the PAC, see Setting Patron Account Options.

Yes - The My Record option is displayed on the My Account menu.

Navigation: PAC help

System, Library, Branch)

Specifies whether patrons can access the Polaris-supplied Help page. See Polaris PowerPAC Help.

Yes - The Help option is displayed on the main menu.

Navigation: Patron account

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can access their patron accounts. See Editing Messages and Labels.

Yes - The My Account option is displayed on the menu bar.

Navigation: Phrase

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can search the public catalog based on a phrase. See Setting Available Search Types.

Yes - The Phrase option is displayed on the Search menu.

Navigation: Policies

System, Library, Branch)

Specifies whether patrons can view the library policy page. See Add text to the Policies page.

Yes - The Policy option is displayed on the Library Info menu.

Navigation: Portal

System, Library, Branch)

Specifies whether patrons can view the portal page, which may include the quick search feature, content carousels and/or rotating book jacket, and custom content. See Setting PowerPAC Narrow/Related Search Options.

Yes - The Portal option is displayed on the Library Info menu. Select this option when you are using Polaris as the library home page.

Navigation: Requests

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can see a list of their hold/ILL requests, and cancel or reactivate requests. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch. You set conditions for requests from PAC, and whether they can be canceled and reactivated, with the Requests parameter Holds options.

Requirement: Set Navigation: Patron Account to Yes (PowerPAC profile).

Yes - The Requests option is available on the My Account menu.

If set to No, patrons cannot review or cancel hold/ILL requests. The Requests menu option, summary information in the My Account dashboard, and option to go to list of requests when a request is placed are suppressed.

Navigation: Web site

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can access the links of interest page provided by the library in Polaris PowerPAC.

Yes - The Web Site option is available on the Library Info menu.

Navigation: Web site URL

System, Library, Branch

Specifies an address for the web page to display when a patron selects Web Site on the Library Info menu.

Requirement: Navigation: Web Site - Yes (PowerPAC profiles).

blank (empty address field) - The default website.asp page is displayed if this field is empty. The default page allows you to provide links to multiple Web sites.

url (web page address or path) - Automatically displays the page when Web Site is selected from the Library Info submenu.

OverDrive download: Enable on in-house workstations System, Library, Branch Specifies whether patrons can access and download OverDrive eContent on library computers designated as in-house workstations. No

OverDrive Preview: Enable on full display

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether the OverDrive Sample button appears on the eContent title's full display in PowerPAC


OverDrive Preview: Enable on search results pages

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether the OverDrive Sample button appears on the search results page when the results are eContent titles from OverDrive.


Page header options

System, Library, Branch

Settings to customize the PowerPAC page header, including the logo image, return link URL for the logo image, background and branch name text colors, logo and branch name position, and suppressing the branch name text. See Customize the page header.

Patron inactivity timeout

System, Library, Branch

Sets a period of inactivity after which a logged-in patron at a library workstation is automatically logged out.

Applies to in-house workstations only. See Set an inactivity timeout for in-house workstations.

Also determines how frequently the cookie policy message appears on in-house workstations. See Configuring How Frequently the Cookie Policy Message Appears.

Not enabled

Perform a new search if a cross-reference is selected

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether the location in the headings display changes to the cross-reference location when the cross-reference is selected.

Yes - Search from selected cross-reference, so that the display is set to the new location in the browse headings index.

Portal custom content (URL)

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the URL for custom content you want to include on the PowerPAC portal page. Type the complete URL, beginning with http://. See Customizing Portal Page Features.

Portal page content carousels

System, Library, Branch

Sets up content carousels (rotating images of library-specified titles in the library catalog) for display on the PowerPAC portal page.See Content Carousels on the PowerPAC Portal Page.

Requirement: Navigation: Portal - Yes (PowerPAC profiles).

None defined.

PowerPAC Analytics

System, Library, Branch

Enables Google Analytics or custom analytics use in Polaris PowerPAC. The same code is also used in Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition. See Analyzing Polaris PowerPAC Use.

No (no page use analysis)

Product page categories: Configure

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default state of categories (expanded or collapsed) on the Polaris PowerPAC product page for a title in search results, and determines the display order of the categories. See Configuring the PowerPAC Product Page.

Quick search button configuration

System, Library, Branch

These settings enable a quick search feature with search option buttons on the Polaris PowerPAC portal page. You can specify which search option buttons to display and what type of search each launches. See Customizing Portal Page Features and Set up quick search with search option buttons.

Feature is not enabled. The default quick search feature is used on the portal page.

Recently viewed titles

System, Library, Branch

Enables the Recently Viewed Titles feature for in-house workstations, remote workstations, or both; sets the maximum number of titles that can be displayed. See Setting Up Recently Viewed Titles.

Related words options System, Library, Branch Enables the Include related words feature for PowerPAC keyword and phrase search results; sets the maximum number of titles that can compose results lists and still display the Included related words link. See Setting PowerPAC Narrow/Related Search Options. Yes; 1,000

Remote databases: Categorization of target databases

System, Library, Branch

Displays the Z39.50 Target Categorization dialog box, to allow an organization to group remote search targets as a finding aid. See Editing Messages and Labels for detailed instructions on using target categories.

Requirement: Make remote resources available for searching.

Remote databases: Maximum number that can be searched at once

System, Library, Branch

Set the number of remote databases that can be searched at one time. See Maximum Number of Databases Searchable at One Time.

Remote databases: Usage settings

System, Library, Branch

Set usage conditions for specific remote resources, including authentication requirements and search access points. Enable follow-on searches and specify follow-on search targets. Set PAC display name; specify databases for Using drop-down list in PowerPAC search forms.See Remote Database Usage Settings for PowerPAC.

Remote user PowerPAC: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons use Polaris PowerPAC to access the library catalog from remote locations (that is, from computers that are not in the library or are not defined in the In-House IP Addresses table).

Yes - Patrons can use Polaris PowerPAC from remote locations.

If set to No, Polaris PowerPAC access is available only from workstations defined in the In-House IP Addresses database table.

Results set: Maximum number of records to return

System, Library, Branch

Sets the maximum number of records that can be returned in a results set. If you experience decreased performance for searches with large results due to limited server capacity, you can lower the maximum number of records to return. However, relevancy ranking may be less effective at lower maximum value.

100,000 (maximum)

Rotating best seller jacket on Portal page

System, Library, Branch

Displays a random book jacket image drawn from best-seller lists on the portal page. When the image is selected, a search is launched for the title. See Set up rotating book jackets.

Requirement: Set up an enriched data source. See Polaris Social with ChiliFresh Connections.

Yes - Book jacket images are displayed on the portal page.

RSS Feeds: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Provides RSS feeds from the New Titles dashboard list. See Setting Up RSS Feeds. When this profile is set to Yes, an orange XML icon is displayed by the elements of the New Titles list.


RSS Feeds: Maximum new releases


Specifies how many titles should be listed in the RSS feed that the patron receives. This profile is available at the system level only; that is, it controls the number for every branch that enables RSS feeds.


Scoping: Use MARC language scoping display table

System, Library, Branch

Determines whether catalog searches can be limited only by certain languages, or by any language defined by the MARC 21 format. This profile controls the languages displayed for selection in the PowerPAC Search Options list.

Requirement: Specify languages in Policy Tables, MARC Language Scoping.

Yes - Allow language scoping by the languages specified in the MARC Language Scoping Display table.

If set to No, all languages defined by the MARC 21 format are displayed for search scoping.

Search: Display search criteria in search box for link-produced searches

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether search terms such as an ISBN are displayed in the search box when the user clicks a link (for example, in the New Titles list) to launch a search.

No - Only search terms actually typed by the user are displayed in the search box.

Search options: Limit by collection enabled

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether collections are available as a scoping option on the Polaris PowerPAC Search Options page.

No - The Collections list does not appear as a scoping option.

Single login: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Displays a Log In option on the My Account menu that allows a patron to log on once for a PAC session, instead of each time the patron selects a function that requires identification. See Controlling Patron Account Login & Access.

Yes - The Login option is displayed on the menu.

Text: Headings count column for “see from” headings

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the text to display in the number of titles column of the headings list when the headings entry is a SEE heading.

Theme dashboard position

System, Library, Branch

Sets the position of the dashboard on Polaris PowerPAC pages. (Does not affect the dashboard position on the product page, which is always on the right.) See Setting Polaris PowerPAC Themes.


Theme selection

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the overall appearance of Polaris PowerPAC pages by providing several ready-made skin choices. See Setting Polaris PowerPAC Themes.


Title Display: Configure

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the data elements that are displayed in brief, full, and summary search results views for a title in the Polaris PowerPAC. You can customize and order the elements you select, and customize and translate their labels. See Configuring the PowerPAC Title Display.

Title Display: Number of characters in the Summary (Short) System, Library, Branch Specifies the maximum number of characters of the Summary (Short) field that are displayed in the brief and full search results views for a title in the Polaris PowerPAC. Enter a value between 0 and 4000.

See Configuring the PowerPAC Title Display.

0 - The number of characters is not limited.

Title list: Email

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can send their title list as an email message from Polaris PowerPAC or Mobile PAC.

Requirements: Set Title List: Enable to Yes (PowerPAC profiles) and specify an email address for sender in Email Notification: Email address of sender (Parameters > Notifcation).

Yes - Allows patrons to send their title list as an email message.

Title list: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can create a bibliography of titles they select from search results. See Enabling PAC Title Lists. This profile also affects Mobile PAC. See Title Lists in Mobile PAC.

Yes - Allows patrons to add titles to a bibliography, and view and modify the contents of the list.

Title list: Enable bulk holds System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can place multiple hold requests at once from PowerPAC working or saved title lists. See Bulk Hold Requests from Polaris PowerPAC Title Lists.

Requirement: Set Title List: Enable to Yes (PowerPAC profiles).

No - The Place Request button does not appear on PowerPAC working or saved title lists.
Title list: Maximum number of titles to request in bulk System, Library, Branch Limits how many titles from working or saved title lists can be requested at once. See Bulk Hold Requests from Polaris PowerPAC Title Lists. 10

Title list: Print

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can print their title lists.

Requirement: Set Title List: Enable to Yes (PowerPAC profiles).

Yes - Allows patrons to print their title lists to any printer available from the workstation. If set to No, the printer icon does not appear.

Title list: Save

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can save their title list to a file.

Requirement: Set Title List: Enable to Yes (PowerPAC profiles).

Yes - Allows patrons to save the contents of the title list to a text file. If set to No, the Save icon does not appear.

Virtual reference: Configure

System, Library, Branch

If you contract with a virtual reference service, use this dialog box to set up the specific profiles for that service. For more information, see Setting Up Live Virtual Reference Services.

Requirement: Virtual reference: Enable - Yes (PowerPAC profiles)

Virtual reference: Enable

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether patrons can use a virtual reference service from Polaris PowerPAC. This feature provides interactive, online reference services. See Setting Up Live Virtual Reference Services.

Yes - The virtual reference link is available in Polaris PowerPAC.

Virtual reference: Supplier

System, Library, Branch

Specifies your virtual reference service provider. If you contract with a virtual reference service, select the provider here. See Setting Up Live Virtual Reference Services.

Requirements: Set Virtual reference: Enable to Yes (PowerPAC profiles) and Virtual reference: Configure - PowerPAC profile - specific settings for the provider you selected.