Customize the page header

You can customize the header for all PowerPAC pages using the PowerPAC profile Page header options. The profile is available at the system, library, and branch levels; the system uses the setting for the PowerPAC connection organization. You can specify your own graphic file for the header logo. This area is also a link to the Polaris PowerPAC home page (the portal page, if you choose to use it, otherwise the keyword search page or a destination you specify).

The profile also offers options to set the position of the logo image and branch name for medium and wide screens. You can also set custom colors for background and text, and suppress the branch name text if your logo already includes this information.

To customize the PowerPAC page header:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Profiles folder for the organization, and select the PowerPAC tab in the details view.
  2. Double-click Page header options. The Page Header Options dialog box opens.

  1. If you will use your own logo, type the path for your custom graphic file, in the Alternate logo (URL) box.

If none is specified, the default logo image is used. Any standard graphic file format, such as .gif or .jpg, is acceptable. The maximum image width is 1500 pixels. The system scales the image for the medium display.


You can place the graphic file in a different location. In this case, type the complete URL for that location. Be sure the security settings for the directory allow access to the file. The location must have a security (SSL) certificate.

  1. Select Left, Center, or Right to position the logo and branch name in the header. The default position is center. This setting applies to medium and wide screen displays only.
  2. If your logo image already includes your branch name, check Exclude the branch name to suppress the branch name text string from the header. Narrow width display: When this option is checked, the logo is displayed in the narrow width header, appropriately scaled. If you leave this option unchecked, only the branch name is displayed in the narrow width header.

If you suppress the branch name at the system level, and all connection branches inherit the system setting, users cannot readily determine their connection branch after switching branches if the branch logo does not include the branch name. To avoid this problem, you can suppress the organization name for the system but allow the branch name to be displayed at the appropriate branches by setting the profile at the branch level.

  1. In the Return link URL for header logo box, type the URL for the page that should appear when the user clicks the header logo or branch name. If this setting is left blank, the link destination is the portal page if you choose to use it, or the keyword search page if you do not use the portal page.
  2. Set custom background and/or branch name text colors:
  1. Select Customize background color, Customize branch name text color, or both.

You can suppress the branch name text from the header, which you may want to do if your logo image includes the organization name. See step 5 above.

  1. Select the drop-down arrow for each selected option to access the color picker.

  1. Click a color, or click Other to open the color tool.



  1. Click OK to close the color tool.

Reload Polaris PowerPAC to see your changes. See Updating Page Caches.

  1. Click OK to close the Page Header dialog box and save your changes.

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