Public Access Administration Overview

Your library organization can use the settings in Polaris Administration to manage how your public access catalog appears and functions. In addition to the options available in Polaris Administration, Polaris provides customization features. See PAC Customization.

See the following topics for information on the options for managing your PAC:

If your library uses Polaris Community Profiles, you can specify how these records are displayed in the PAC. See Community Setup for PAC Display.

Review and set public access profiles and parameters

General instructions for setting the profiles and parameters that control public access features.

Setting Up Polaris PowerPAC - Overview

Updating page caches; privacy; accessibility; use analysis; basic set-up; banner graphics; branch switching; themes (skins); portal page features; content carousels; dashboards; RSS feeds; virtual reference; online help; editing language strings.

Setting Search Options for Polaris PowerPAC

Default settings for PAC searches; setting up search filters; setting available search types for Polaris PowerPAC; record set searches for Polaris PowerPAC; setting up the search agent (saved searches); automatic search suggestions; “Did You Mean” search term suggestions.

Displaying PAC Search Results 

Specifying search results data and display options; setting up the title (product) page for individual titles; recently viewed titles; settings for Feature It promotions; narrow and related searches options; suppressing request and availability options for specific types of material; cross-reference display; local and system availability; call numbers by text message; item-specific display settings; shelf locations; highlighting titles with local items (Polaris PowerPAC); mapping item availability in Polaris PowerPAC; Google Preview for search results; title lists in Polaris PowerPAC; social bookmarking and sharing in Polaris PowerPAC.

Managing Integrated EContent in the PAC

Managing patron access to integrated eContent; specifying availability display; controlling patron-initiated circulation of eContent from the PAC.

Enabling Online Book Purchases 

Setting up links to online bookstores for titles in Polaris PowerPAC search results; Polaris Bookstore.

Editing Messages and Labels 

Editing and translating standard messages for Polaris PowerPAC in Polaris Administration; reference list of messages and labels.

Customizing Language Strings 

Using Polaris WebAdmin (Language Editor) to customize English and other licensed language strings in all the parts of Polaris that support multiple languages (overview).

Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition 

Setting up and customizing Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition; for example: themes; dashboards; search filters; “canned” searches (categories); results display.

Setting Up Mobile PAC 

Mobile PAC set-up basics; settings for searches and results; patron registration, log-in and account features; credit card payments.

Polaris Social with ChiliFresh Connections 

Integrated social features in Polaris PowerPAC: exporting records; log-on; patron account features; search results features; setup.

PAC Profiles Reference 

Reference list of general PAC profiles as they appear in Polaris Administration.

Polaris PowerPAC Profiles Reference 

Reference list of Polaris PowerPAC profiles as they appear in Polaris Administration.

Children’s PAC Profiles Reference 

Reference list of Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition profiles as they appear in Polaris Administration.

Mobile PAC Profiles Reference 

Reference list of Mobile PAC profiles as they appear in Polaris Administration.

Standard PAC Pages Reference

Reference list of standard pages for Polaris PowerPAC and Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition.

See also the following topics in the Public Access Administration Guide:

Managing Federated Search Targets

How to organize remote databases so that patrons can select them in the PowerPAC’s Select Databases page to search simultaneously; setting up databases using Z39.50 search protocol; setting up databases that use other search protocols provided in partnership with MuseGlobal; setting up use conditions and access conditions; setting up follow-on searching.

Managing E-Sources

Setting up and organizing e-sources, which are proprietary, non-Z39.50 databases that the library offers to patrons for searching in Polaris PowerPAC. Setup examples; E-Source connection report.

Enabling Enriched Data

Settings that integrate third-party book jacket images and additional title content in Polaris PowerPAC search results.

Setting Up Patron Account Access and Options

Settings that affect patron account access in Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC: enabling account access; limiting log-in attempts; inactivity timeout; patron account features; self-registration and online updates; patron passwords and user names; patron e-mail (Ask Us).