Editing Messages and Labels

Many messages and labels that appear in Polaris PowerPAC are stored in your database. You can easily edit these and save your changes in Polaris Administration, using the PAC profile Multiple language strings. If you have Polaris PowerPAC Multilingual Version, you can edit the messages for each supported language. Using the same method, you can also edit and translate the labels for the Narrow and Related Web parts that are displayed with search results.

You can also use Polaris WebAdmin (Language Editor) to edit language strings in Polaris PowerPAC, Mobile PAC, and several other Polaris products. WebAdmin is installed by default with Polaris Web Server software. The server must be registered as a workstation in Polaris Administration, and both the workstation and staff user must have the System Administration WebAdmin access: Allow permission. Access WebAdmin through your browser and click Help for more information. See Customizing Language Strings for details.

See also: