PAC Messages and Labels Reference

You can edit the following messages and labels using the Multiple language strings PAC profile. See Edit PowerPAC messages and labels.

Field Name


Default Display Text

Hours of operation message

The message you specify here is displayed on the Polaris PowerPAC Hours page and the Mobile PAC Hours & Contact Info page. For more information about the PowerPAC Hours page, see Set Polaris PowerPAC features on the menu bar.

Item availability label: Due date   Due

Item availability text: Available

Indicates an item is available to request or check out. This text is used instead of the circulation status when you do not display the detailed item status in the Availability view.

Requirement: PAC profile settings Item Availability: Display status (Yes); Item Availability: Display detailed item status (No).


Item availability text: No items found

Indicates that a title does not have any items associated with it anywhere in the entire Polaris system. No items available

Item availability text: No local items found

Displayed when a selected title does not have linked items within the local area. The local area is defined by branches designated as local in the Item Availability Display Order policy table. See Setting Up Local and System Availability. This message displays if items do exist elsewhere in the Polaris system; otherwise, the message for the Item Availability text: No items found message is displayed.

No items available locally

Item availability text: Non-circulating

Indicates that an item does not circulate. Non-circulating

Item availability text: Not available

Indicates an item is not available for check-out. This text is used as a status replacement when you do not display the detailed item status in the Availability view.

Requirement: PAC Profile settings Item Availability: Display status (Yes); Item Availability: Display detailed item status (No).

Not Available

Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Assigned branch

The Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic) labels apply to the bibliographic elements that appear in the Narrow Web part, which can be displayed with the Polaris PowerPAC search results pages. See Setting PowerPAC Narrow/Related Search Options.

Assigned branch

Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic):Authors Authors
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic):Availability Availability
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic):Dashboard label Narrow your search
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Database Database
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Language Language
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Reading Level Reading Level
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Literary Form Literary Form
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Popularity Popularity
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Publication Date Publication Date
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Record Owner Record Owner
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Related Words Related Words
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Series Series
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Subjects Subjects
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Target audience Target Audience
Narrow search dashboard (Bibliographic): Type of Material Type of Material
Narrow search dashboard (Community): Dashboard label The Narrow search dashboard (Community) labels apply to the Community Profiles elements that appear in the Narrow Web part. For more information, see Set Up the Narrow Your Search Web Part. Narrow your search
Narrow search dashboard (Community):Event date Event Date
Narrow search dashboard (Community):Primary Name Organization Name
Narrow search dashboard (Community): Services Available Services
Narrow search dashboard (Community):Subject Subject
Narrow search dashboard (Community):Type of organization Type of Organization

Patron Access: Patron self-registration brief instruction

Displayed at the top of the patron self-registration form in Polaris PowerPAC. You can use this text to tell a new patron how to fill out the form, or include any message considered important to the self-registration process.

Please fill in the fields on this form and click Submit to register. Your online registration will be forwarded to the library. You can pick up your library card at the branch you specify in the form.

Patron Access: Privacy message

Confirmation message displayed when a patron initiates an action that saves information in connection with the patron account, such as saving a search or starting a reading history.

The feature you have selected is associated with personal data in your patron account. Such data may be accessed by law enforcement personnel without your consent. Do you wish to continue?

Patron Access: Self-registration acknowledgment message

Displayed when a patron successfully completes the self-registration form.

Thank you! Your registration has been recorded. Your library card will be ready for you at the library you designated in your registration.

Patron Access: Self-registration warning message

Displays when a patron selects click here to register now on the PowerPAC patron logon pages. This message allows the library to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Act.

Requirement: Self-registration warning message enabled (PAC profile Patron Access Options)

In compliance with the Children\’s Online Privacy Protection act, you must be 13 or older in order to complete this registration.

In the default message, the apostrophe character is preceded by a backslash \ for programmatic purposes. In your custom text, you do not need to use the backslash before an apostrophe.

Related search dashboard (Bibliographic): Authors

The Related search dashboard (bibliographic) labels apply to the elements that appear in the Related Web part for bibliographic records, which can be displayed with the Polaris PowerPAC search results pages. For information about specifying bibliographic elements and their labels, see Setting PowerPAC Narrow/Related Search Options.


Related search dashboard (Bibliographic): Dashboard label Related searches
Related search dashboard (Bibliographic): Other databases Other Databases
Related search dashboard (Bibliographic): Other searches Other Searches
Related search dashboard (Bibliographic):Series Series
Related search dashboard (Bibliographic):Subjects Subjects
Related search dashboard (Community): Dashboard label The Related search dashboard (Community) labels apply to the elements that appear in the Related Web part for community records. For more information, see Set Up the Related Searches Web Part. Related Searches
Related search dashboard (Community): Event Date Event Date
Related search dashboard (Community): Primary Name Organization Name
Related search dashboard (Community):Services Available Services
Related search dashboard (Community): Subject Subject
Related search dashboard (Community): Type of organization Organization