Customizing Language Strings

Polaris WebAdmin (Language Editor) is a web-based tool you can use to customize English and other licensed language strings in all the parts of Polaris that support multiple languages, including Polaris PowerPAC, Polaris Mobile PAC, Polaris ExpressCheck, printed and e-mail notices, telephone notices, and Polaris Phone Attendant (inbound telephony). You can compare, add, edit and distribute language strings easily, without editing individual files. Polaris WebAdmin also provides a language string identifier specifically for Polaris PowerPAC.

You can add or customize language strings at the system, library, and branch levels. Branch settings override library settings; settings made at the library level override system-level settings.

When you change Polaris PowerPAC, PowerPAC Children’s Edition, or Mobile PAC settings in Polaris Administration, or customize language strings with WebAdmin, you must update page caches to see the effects of your changes. Most cached information is stored at the application level on the specified web server. You update that information with the Reload tool in WebAdmin.

For security purposes, Polaris WebAdmin should be installed on a server to which there is no outside access, but which has access to the Polaris database—for example, the web portion of the Polaris application server. You can access and use WebAdmin with most browsers.

You need the Polaris permission WebAdmin access: Allow to use Polaris WebAdmin. In Polaris Administration, this permission is available at the system level under the System Administration security node.

To access WebAdmin, open your browser and navigate to the site where WebAdmin is installed. You must supply your Polaris username, password, and domain to log in. For detailed information about using WebAdmin, see WebAdmin online help.

You can also edit certain messages and labels in Polaris Administration. See Editing Messages and Labels.