Children’s PAC Profiles Reference

These profiles are available on the Profiles, Children’s PAC tabbed page on the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels.


Org Levels


Default Setting

Allow hold requests if charging for holds System, Library, Branch

Determines whether hold requests are allowed from Children’s PAC if the system charges for holds. If set to Yes, hold requests are allowed and a message concerning the charge is displayed when the request is placed. The patron can continue or cancel the request.

No (hold requests cannot be placed from Children’s PAC if the system charges for hold requests)
Categories: Enable System, Library, Branch Determines whether library-defined categories are available for searching. See Managing Search Categories.


Requirement: If yes, define categories with the profile Category construction

Category construction System, Library, Branch Displays the Category Construction dialog box. Set up subject categories, define search targets within the categories, and edit existing categories and targets. See Managing Search Categories.

Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition includes a set of default categories.

Requirement: Set Categories: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles)

Dashboards: Enable System, Library, Branch Determines whether library-defined elements and theme choices are displayed in lists on the left portion (“dashboard”) of the Children’s PAC interface. See Managing Children’s Dashboards, and Managing Themes. Yes
Dashboards: Webpage/web part assignment System, Library, Branch Displays the Web Page - Web Part Configuration dialog box. Specify which Web parts to display in the dashboard on specific Web pages for the Children’s PAC at each branch. See Managing Children’s Dashboards.


Define Web parts at the system level, using the profile Dashboards: Web part construction (Children’s PAC profiles).

Set Dashboards: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles) to display dashboards in the Children’s PAC.

Dashboards: Web part construction System Displays the Web Part Editor dialog box. Create custom Web parts (title searches, URLs, free text, and polls), and limit the number of items on automated Web parts. See Managing Children’s Dashboards.


Assign the Web parts to specific Children’s PAC pages using the profile Dashboards: Web page / web part assignment (Children’s PAC profiles).

Set Dashboards: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles) to display dashboards in the Children’s PAC.

Default search limits System, Library, Branch Displays the Children’s PAC Default Search Limit dialog box. Specify a search filter, expressed as a Common Query Language search term, in the free text search limit box. In addition, you can specify which collections defined in the system should be included in Children’s PAC search results. See Setting Children’s Search Limits. AND TA=j (limits results to records where the target audience is juvenile); no collections selected
Item availability text: Available System, Library, Branch Specifies the text that indicates an item is available.

In Library

Requirement: Set Item Availability: Display status to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles)

Item availability text: Not available System, Library, Branch Specifies the text that indicates an item is not available.

Checked Out

Requirement: Set Item Availability: Display status to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles)

Item availability: Display branch location System, Library, Branch Determines whether the item’s assigned branch is displayed. Yes
Item availability: Display call number System, Library, Branch Determines whether to show the call number from the item record in the Availability view. Yes
Item availability: Display collections System, Library, Branch Determines whether the collection information from the item record is displayed. Yes
Item availability: Display local and system levels System, Library, Branch Determines which items are included in search results availability information. See Customize the children’s item availability display.

Yes. If the logged-on branch is the system, information about items that are designated to display in PAC and owned throughout the system is displayed. If the logged-on branch is a local branch, only items held by that branch are displayed. If none are owned by the local branch, the system-level items are displayed.

If set to No, if the logged-on branch is the system, information about items owned throughout the system is displayed. If the logged-on branch is a local branch, only the local items are displayed. If none are owned by the local branch, no items are displayed.

Item availability: Display notes System, Library, Branch Determines whether a note icon is displayed for items that include public notes. Patrons can click the icon to read the note. Yes
Item availability: Display shelf location System, Library, Branch Determines whether the item’s shelf location is displayed.


Item availability: Display status System, Library, Branch Determines whether the circulation status of an item is displayed in the item information. Yes
Item availability: Display type System, Library, Branch Determines whether the material type (information about physical format from the item record) is displayed in the item information. Yes
Multiple language strings System Displays a dialog box that allows you to specify a language and translate all search categories and targets from English to the language of your choice. Other languages are available in this dialog box only if your library system has purchased other language versions of Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition. You can also edit the English names. See Translate all categories and targets. No translations (lists English categories and targets only)
Navigation: Events System, Library, Branch Determines whether the Children’s PAC interface includes the Events button, which is used to access a library-maintained Events page. See Add text to the children’s Events page. Yes
Navigation: Help System, Library, Branch Determines whether the Children’s PAC interface includes the Help button, which is used to access online Help for the Children’s PAC. Yes
Navigation: PowerPAC System, Library, Branch Determines whether a link to Polaris PowerPAC is displayed in the Children’s PAC interface. Yes
Number of tooltip entries displayed System, Library, Branch For categories, defines the number of targets that display in a tooltip when the cursor hovers over the category link. See Managing Search Categories.



Use the profile Category construction (Children’s PAC profiles) to set up search categories.

Set the profile Categories: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles) to display the defined search categories in the Children’s PAC.

Remote user: Enable System, Library, Branch Allows access to the Children’s PAC from workstations outside the library.

Yes. Remote users can access the Children's PAC interface.

If set to No, Children’s PAC access is available only from workstations defined in the In-House IP Addresses database table.

Results set: Maximum number of records to return System, Library, Branch Sets the maximum number of records that can be returned in a results set. If you experience decreased performance for searches with large results due to limited server capacity, you can lower the maximum number of records to return. However, relevancy ranking may be less effective at lower maximum values. 1,000 (maximum = 10,000)
Results set: Do not sort if it contains more than this many records System, Library, Branch Sets the maximum number of records that a record set can contain and still be sorted. If you experience decreased performance for searches with large results due to limited server capacity, you can lower the maximum number of records that can be sorted. 1,000 (maximum)
Search button visibility: Anywhere button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword search in all fields. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Authors button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword search for author. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Fiction button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword subject search scoped to fiction. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Non-Fiction button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword subject search scoped to non-fiction. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Series button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword search for series name. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Subjects button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword search for subject. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Search button visibility: Titles button System, Library, Branch Displays a search button that launches a keyword search for title. See Set children’s search buttons. Yes
Select theme: Enable System, Library, Branch Allows users of Children’s PAC to select an interface theme from choices you specify. See Managing Themes.



Specify which themes are available as choices with the profile Theme assignment (Children’s PAC profiles).

Set Dashboards: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles), because the theme options are displayed in the dashboard.

Theme assignment System, Library, Branch Displays the Theme Assignment dialog box, where you can specify which library-defined or system-provided interface themes are available as choices from the Children’s PAC. You can also set a default theme here. See Managing Themes for more information.


Set up and edit themes at the system level, with the Children’s PAC profile Theme construction (Children’s PAC profiles).

Set the profile Select theme: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles) to display the assigned themes in the Children’s PAC

Set Dashboards: Enable to Yes (Children’s PAC profiles) for the organization, because the theme options are displayed in the dashboard.

Theme construction System Displays the Theme Construction dialog box. Set up and edit themes for the Children’s PAC interface. See Managing Themes for more information Requirement: Specify which themes are available to specific organizations using the Children’s PAC profile Theme assignment.
Web access: Enable System, Library, Branch Allows live Web links in Children’s PAC search results. See Customizing the Children’s Results Display.

No - Web links are text-only, and do not allow Internet access.

If set to Yes, users can click the Web Site icon or a web link to view the site.