Add text to the children’s Events page

The Events page is displayed when a patron selects the Events link on the Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition pages. Since Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition uses an Events page distinct from Polaris PowerPAC, you can focus the page on events specifically for children.

To add events or other text to the events page:

  1. On the Web server, open the file Polaris [version]/PowerPAC/children/events.aspx in any HTML or text editor.
  2. Find the following section:





Each segment <p>&nbsp;</p> creates a separate line on the Events page.

If you need more than three lines, copy the segment <p>&nbsp;</p> and paste it after the last segment <p>&nbsp;</p>, pasting once for each additional line you require.

  1. For each line, insert your text between &nbsp; and </p>. You can format the text with basic HTML tags.
  2. Save the file.

To display the Events link on the Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition pages, set the Children’s PAC profile Navigation: Events to Yes.