Paying Invoices

After invoice line items have been added, charges have been distributed with any taxes applied, and open invoices with a payment method of purchase are ready to be paid in Polaris. You can pay an entire invoice, individual line items on an invoice, or segments within an invoice line item.

You can print vouchers in Polaris and send them to your financial department so that the appropriate funds can be expended. The voucher shows the supplier and the total of each fund used on the invoice. When you print vouchers, you can select a summary voucher or a full voucher. Both the summary and full vouchers show the totals for each fund used in the invoice and the grand total for all funds used in the invoice, but the full voucher also shows details for each invoice line item. You can print multiple vouchers at once or print (or e-mail) a single voucher.

If you paid an invoice in error, you can undo the payment, which reverses the expenditures in any linked funds, re-encumbers the amounts in the linked funds (if the invoice line item segment is linked to a purchase order line item segment) and resets the invoice to an “open” status. You can undo payments for a whole invoice with a payment method of purchase and an invoice type of regular, approval plan An arrangement with a publisher or vendor to send materials automatically. With an approval plan, it is not necessary for the library to order each title individually, and titles that are not considered appropriate may be returned by the library. An approval plan with a vendor is usually an agreement that the library will receive current imprints selected for the library on the basis of a detailed profile., blanket order or miscellaneous. You cannot undo payments for individual line items or line item segments.

See also: