Pay One or Multiple Lines on an Invoice

If you do not want to pay the entire invoice with one check or voucher, you can split up the invoice and select only the lines that you want to pay with a single check or voucher. When you pay for a line item, you pay for the total quantity received for the line item. To pay for less than the total received for the line item, you can pay for segments of the line item on the Invoice Line Item workform. See Pay an invoice line item segment.

To pay one or multiple line items on an invoice:

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Note:
    You can also pay for single line items from the Invoice Line Item workform.

    Click to see the line items on the invoice.

  3. Select View > Line Items.
  4. The Line Items view appears.

  5. Select a line item, or select multiple line items by pressing the CTRL key while selecting the lines.
  6. Tip:
    Click to pay the lines you selected.

  7. Select Tools > Pay to pay the selected items.
  8. The Check/Voucher dialog box appears.

    The selection in the Check/Voucher dialog box is determined by the setting in the Default payment option when paying/crediting invoices parameter in Polaris Administration. See Set the default payment option to check or voucher.

    If the linked supplier uses a currency other than your base currency, the currency code appears next to Amount; for example, Amount (CAD) if your base currency is US Dollars, and the supplier’s currency is in Canadian dollars. If you need to change the exchange rate, click Cancel and select Utilities, Update Currency Exchange Rate. You must have the Polaris Acquisitions permission Adjust currency exchange rate: Allow. See Update the currency exchange rate for a foreign currency.

  9. If necessary, type the voucher or check number in the Number box.
  10. To enter a different date from today’s date, type it in the Datebox, or select it from the calendar.
  11. Click OK.
  12. The invoice lines were paid successfully appears in the status bar, and the following events occur:

    • The status of the whole invoice changes from open to part paid.
    • The payment statuses of the selected lines change from open to paid.
    • The invoice status changes from open to paid if the line being paid is the last open line on the invoice.
    • The linked funds are expended.

Related Information

Print one or multiple vouchers