Importing and Ordering Processes

Automatic processing during importing and ordering work together in Polaris to create purchase orders or selections lists, and update on-order items so they can circulate.

See also:

The Bulk Add Process

When you import a supplier’s brief bibliographic records using the Acquisition Bibs import profile (or a copy of this profile), the records are gathered in the bibliographic record set specified in the profile. Then, you open the record set and bulk-add the records to create a purchase order or a selection list. Specific tags and subfields must be in the imported bibliographic records for Polaris to create the line items and segments.

The import profile must be set up to retain 970 tags as well as 020 (ISBN) and 024 (UPC) tags. See Acquisitions Bibs Import Profile.

The following information in the 970 tag of the bibliographic record is used to create each segment of the purchase order or selection list automatically:

The collection information, material type, and non-public note are not required to create a segment. If the supplier includes copy-level information in $h, it is used in the creation of on-order items.

The subfields can be in any order in the 970 tag.

The illustration shows how the 970 tags in the bulk added bibliographic record are used to create purchase order line item segments.


If a bulk-added bibliographic record contains more than one ISBN or UPC, the purchase order line item displays the most-recently added ISBN (020$a) at the top of the ISBN list (and its associated price from the 020$c in the Price box), or the most-recently added UPC in the Other number box.

If the Polaris Administration Acquisitions parameter Bulk add to PO: Add Alert to PO line item for multiple ISBNs is set to Yes, purchase order line items with multiple ISBNs are listed with an exclamation mark in the Find Tool results list and the Purchase Order workform, Line Items view. The Alert box is also checked in the Purchase Order Line Item workform if the linked bibliographic record contains multiple ISBNs.

If a price is not in the MARC record’s 970 $p, the system checks for the price in the following tags:

If the first indicator in the 024 $a is 1 or any number other than 3, the number is copied to the purchase order line item’s Other number field. In this case, the unit price is copied from the default value in the Bulk Add to Purchase Order dialog.

If the price is not in the record, and the Acquisitions parameter Bulk Add to PO: Replace Invalid Fields with Default Data is set to Yes in Polaris Administration, the default price is used.

Any missing or invalid information is noted in the bulk add error report, and you can edit the purchase order or selection list as needed.

Administration Settings That Affect Bulk-Add Processing

The following parameters and profiles in Polaris Administration control bulk-add processing:

Enriched EDI Orders and Shelf-Ready Items

If your library uses a supplier’s cataloging services so that materials arrive shelf-ready, you can send enriched EDI orders so that the supplier can return bibliographic records with embedded holdings data. When the bibliographic records are imported using the Enriched EDI Order import profile, the embedded holdings data is used to update on-order items to shelf-ready items. Another method for creating shelf-ready items is to allow the supplier to search the Polaris database and retrieve holdings information. See Shelf-Ready Items Using Z39.50.

Enriched EDI Orders

An Enriched EDI order includes the following information for each purchase order line item segment in the transmission:

When the supplier processes the Enriched EDI order, a file containing full bibliographic records with embedded holdings data is produced. These bibliographic records with embedded holdings data in the 949 tag (or another tag you and your supplier have agreed upon) are imported into Polaris. If the holdings data is in the 949 tag, you can use the Enriched EDI Order profile (or a copy of the profile with the same settings, but named according to the supplier) to import these records. This profile is set up so that the existing item records are updated with the data in the 949 tag. See Polaris Read-Only Import Profiles.

If the option Update linked PO line item to received is checked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile, the linked purchase order line items are received, and the linked items either remain on-order, or they are updated to in-process as soon as the EDI invoice is created in Polaris (depending on the item record option selected in the profile). See Set up EDI invoice defaults.

You can wait until the shipment arrives to update the purchase order line items. When the shipment arrives, use the Check In Shelf-Ready Materials workform to check in the shelf-ready item records and update the linked purchase order line item segments in the same step. See Check in new shelf-ready items.

Shelf-Ready Items Using Z39.50

If your library allows suppliers to search the Polaris database using Z39.50, the supplier can provide shelf-ready item data in their bibliographic records. When the supplier searches the Polaris database, the bibliographic records are displayed with an 852 tag for every item record, whether it was manually created or imported. If the item is linked to a purchase order line item, the holdings data displays the linked purchase order line item ID followed by the purchase order line item segment number in subfield e ($e). For information on setting up Polaris as a remote database for suppliers to search, see Offering the Polaris Database as a Remote Target.

See also: