Offering the Polaris Database as a Remote Target

In addition to setting up other sites as remote targets for Polaris to query, you can offer your Polaris database as a remote target to other sites to search via Z39.50. This feature allows material vendors, for example, to search your database for bibliographic records when creating your shelf-ready items. Give the remote sites the IP address and logon information for your database. For a list of the Bib-1 use attributes assigned to search access points, see Bib-1 Use Attributes in Polaris Searches.

[DatabaseName.] is required if the target Microsoft SQL Server database is installed as an instance. This is always the case, for example, for Polaris Hosted customers. Set [DatabaseName] to the Microsoft SQL Server instance name, followed by a period.

You can offer the following Polaris targets:

Note about characters sets:
Remote sites should use the naming conventions shown below to retrieve UTF-8-encoded results. To retrieve the results in MARC_8 encoding, append “MARC_8” (using an underscore character, not a hyphen) to the end of the database name, for example, [DatabaseName.]PACMARC_8

Polaris fabricates 99x tags in the bibliographic record for internal use in PAC. Because 99X tags in Polaris records are fabricated and proprietary, they are suppressed from the PAC results set.

See also: