Telephone Renewal System Messages

The table below lists the voice messages used by the Telephone Renewal System to enable patrons to access their library accounts and renew items via telephone. Each entry in the table includes the following information:

File Name
The name of the message file. Each message is stored as a separate file in the C:\Telrenew\Voice directory on your TRS PC.
A brief description of the message file's purpose.
Default Message
The default text of the message provided by Innovative. Your library can use the default message text or customize the message by recording your own version.
Used When
Information about the context in which the the message is used. For more detail about how the system uses each message, see the flowcharts on the linked pages.
File Name Description Default Message Used When
1000.VOX Welcome Welcome to your library's Telephone Renewal System. To renew items, you will need the barcode number found on the back of your library card, and the barcode numbers found on the spines of the books you wish to renew. Starting a session
1001.VOX Try Again We're sorry, the library's main computer is not available at this moment. Please try again later. Starting a session
1002.VOX Verify Message You entered ... Starting a session, renewing items individually
1003.VOX Accept Prompt Press "pound" to accept or "star" to try again. Starting a session, renewing items individually
1004.VOX Invalid Response The response you entered is invalid. Patron enters a response that does not correspond to a menu option
1005.VOX No Response No response received. Patron does not respond to a system prompt
1010.VOX Main Menu To access your library records, press "1." To listen to the library's announcement, press "2." To end this call, press "9." Starting a session
1011.VOX Library Announcement <Library Announcement> Starting a session
1012.VOX Goodbye Thank you for using the Innovative Interfaces Telrenew System. Goodbye. Patron chooses to end a session.
1013.VOX Record Access Menu To renew items, press "1." To hear a list of checked out titles, press "2." To hear a list of titles on hold, press "3." To hear a list of outstanding charges, press "4." To return to the main menu, press "star." Starting a session
1014.VOX Information unavailable Requested information is unavailable at this time. Starting a session
1020.VOX Enter Patron Barcode Prompt Please enter the patron barcode followed by the "pound" sign. Starting a session
1021.VOX Invalid Patron Barcode The patron barcode you entered is invalid. Starting a session
1022.VOX Patron Is Blocked That patron account is blocked. Please contact the library. Renewing items
1023.VOX Total Items The number of items you have checked out is ... Renewing items, listening to checked-out items
1024.VOX ... of which ... of which ... Renewing items
1025.VOX ... can be renewed ... can be renewed. Renewing items, listening to checked-out items
1026.VOX No Item Checked out No items are checked out. Listening to checked-out items
1030.VOX No Renewable Item Menu To hear a list of items checked out, press "1." To return to the main menu, press the "star" key. Confirming renewals
1031.VOX Review Renewable Items Item ... Confirming renewals
1032.VOX Renewable item due date ... is renewable. The due date is ... Confirming renewals
1033.VOX Review Non-Renewable Item ... Confirming renewals
1034.VOX Not renewable item due date ... is not renewable. The due date is ... Confirming renewals
1040.VOX Renew Main Menu To renew items, press "1." To hear a list of items checked out, press "2." To return to the main menu, press the "star" key. Renewing items
1050.VOX Renew Submenu To renew all items, press "1." To renew one item at a time, press "2." To return to the main menu, press the "star" key. Renewing some or all items
1051.VOX Renewed item Item ... Renewing some or all items, renewing items individually
1052.VOX New due date ... has been renewed. The new due date is ... Renewing some or all items, renewing items individually
1053.VOX Cannot renew item Item ... Renewing some or all items, renewing items individually
1054.VOX ... contact library ... cannot be renewed at this time. Please contact the library. Renewing some or all items, renewing items individually
1060.VOX Enter item barcode Please enter the last four digits of the item barcode. Renewing items individually
1061.VOX Invalid item barcode The item barcode you entered is invalid. Renewing items individually
1070.VOX Same last four digits Because you have two items with the same last four digits, we ask that you please enter the full item barcode followed by the "pound" sign. Renewing items individually
1071.VOX Same full item barcode Because you have two items with the exact barcode, please renew this item through the library. Renewing items individually
1080.VOX Checked Out Items Menu To hear a list of all titles checked out, press "1." To hear a list of overdue titles, press "2." To return to the record access menu, press "star." Listening to checked-out items
1081.VOX Checked Out Titles Menu To list all titles checked out, press "1." To forward to the next title at any time, press "pound." To return to the record access menu, press "star." Listening to checked-out items
1082.VOX Title Title Listening to checked-out items
1083.VOX Due date ... is due on... Listening to checked-out items
1084.VOX Overdues Menu To hear a list of overdue titles, press "1." To forward to the next title, press "pound." To return to the Record Access Menu, press "star." Starting a session
1085.VOX Number of overdues The number of overdue items you have is... Listening to checked-out items
1086.VOX Overdue date ... was due on... Listening to checked-out items
1087.VOX No overdues No items are overdue. Listening to checked-out items
1088.VOX End of list End of list. Listening to checked-out items, listening to holds, listening to outstanding charges
1100.VOX Holds Menu To list titles on hold, press "1." To forward to the next title at any time, press "pound." To return to the record access menu, press "star." Listening to holds
1101.VOX Number of holds The number of holds you have is... Listening to holds
1102.VOX Hold position Your hold is the... Listening to holds
1103.VOX ... of... ... of... Listening to holds
1104.VOX Holds on title ... holds on title... Listening to holds
1105.VOX Ready for pickup ... is ready for pickup at... Listening to holds
1106.VOX Item in transit ... is in transit to... Listening to holds
1107.VOX You have a hold on... You have a hold on title... Listening to holds
1108.VOX No holds No titles are on hold. Listening to holds
1109.VOX ... is in transit. ... is in transit. Listening to holds
1120.VOX Outstanding Charges Menu To list outstanding charges, press "1." To forward to the next charge at any time, press "pound." To return to the record access menu, press "star." Listening to outstanding charges
1121.VOX Number of charges The number of outstanding charges you have is... Listening to outstanding charges
1122.VOX ... total ... totaling... Listening to outstanding charges
1123.VOX Manual charge Charge of... Listening to outstanding charges
1124.VOX Date of fine ... assessed on... Listening to outstanding charges
1125.VOX Reason ... reason... Listening to outstanding charges
1126.VOX Fine Fine of... Listening to outstanding charges
1127.VOX For title ... for title... Listening to outstanding charges
1128.VOX Replacement Replacement bill of... Listening to outstanding charges
1129.VOX Bill adjustment Adjusted bill of... Listening to outstanding charges
1130.VOX Lost book Lost book charge of... Listening to outstanding charges
1131.VOX Rental Rental charge of... Listening to outstanding charges
1132.VOX Adjusted rental bill Adjusted rental replacement bill of... Listening to outstanding charges
1133.VOX Manual adjustment Adjusted... Listening to outstanding charges
1134.VOX No charges You have no outstanding charges. Listening to outstanding charges