Monographic Labels Data Library

The monographic labels data library defines the elements you can use to create custom monographic label print templates. These templates are created in a third-party application (such as Jaspersoft Studio) for use when printing monographic labels. See Creating Customized Print Templates for more information.

The table below describes each element in the monographic label data library, as well as the data source for each element. Note that your default template might not incorporate all of the listed elements.

Data Extraction

The system seeks call number data first in the item record, and then in the parent bibliographic record. If the library has monographic holdings with appropriate links, the system checks the holdings records first, and then the bibliographic records.

When a record includes multiple c-tagged call number fields, the system uses the first c-tagged field appearing in the record. This is the first such field encountered in the record, and is not necessarily sorted numerically by tag.

When multiple instances of a target subfield exist, the system uses the first occurrence.

Element Number Element Name Description Data Source
1 callAlphaStart Call number component Alpha content up to the first number in subfield a or h (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1 For example:

c090 a|PR3884.45

2 callNumericStart Call number component Numeric content up to the decimal point in subfield a or h (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1 For example:

c090 a|PR3884.45

3 callNumericAfterDec Call number component The decimal point and the following numeric content in subfield a or h (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1 For example:

c090 a|PR3884.45

4 callEndCR Call number component All remaining content (following the three elements above) in subfield a or h (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1,2 For example:

c092 |a636.80887 WIL

5 callSubbCR Call number component All content in subfield b or i (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1,2,3 For example:

c090 |aG4030 .s24|b.U52

6 callSuba Call number component for pocket labels All content following the first three elements listed above in subfield a or h (first occurrence only) of the c-tagged variable-length field.1 For example:

c090 |aG4030 .s24|b.U52

7 callSubb Call number component for pocket labels All content in subfield b (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. The leading decimal point is stripped and spaces are preserved. For example:

c092 |a004|b.A34 ONE  TWO

8 callSubf Call number pre-stamp All content in subfield f (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

c090 |aD842 mic 1992|fPicture Books|j1234|ktesting

9 callSubj Call number shelving control number All content in subfield j (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

c090 |aD842 mic 1992|fPicture Books|j1234|ktesting

10 callSubk Call number post-stamp All content in subfield k (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

c090 |aD842 mic 1992|fPicture Books|j1234|ktesting

11 itemFix58 Copy number Fixed-length field 58 from the item record.
12 itemFix79 Item location Fixed-length field 79 from the item record.
13 itemFix79Len3 Item location First three characters of fixed-length field 79 from the item record.
14 branchesLabel Item location Label, found in the branches file, that corresponds to data in fixed-length field 79 from the item record.
15 concatIndex
(Currently not in use.)
Concatenated author-title Derived from values in your system's settings. Uses content from subfield a (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. If the field is non-MARC, the entire field is used.1 (Contact Innovative to enable this feature, if needed.)
16 acctname Library name From the account name file. For multi-account sites, the library name from the accounting unit (account name file) associated with the user's login name.
17 bibt Title All content in subfield a of the first t-tagged field from the bibliographic record. If the field is non-MARC, all content from the first t-tagged field from the bibliographic record.
18 bib245 Title Content in subfield a of the first 245 or 200 field, regardless of field group tag, from the bibliographic record. Omits the ending punctuation. Not appropriate for non-MARC data.1
19-45 itema, itemb...itemz Item variable-length fields First instance of each of the a-z-tagged variable-length fields from the item record.
45 concatIndexCR
(Currently not in use.)
Concatenated author-title Derived from values in your system's settings. Uses content from subfield a (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. If the field is non-MARC, the entire field is used.1,2 (Contact Innovative to enable this feature, if needed.)
46 callField Call number All content "as is" from subfield a or h of the c-tagged variable-length field.
47 itemFix58c Copy number Fixed-length field 58 from the item record, preceded by the text "c.".
48 callNumericAll
(Currently not in use.)
Call number component A concatenation of the callNumericStart and callNumericAfterDec elements.1 For example:

c090 a|PR3884.45

49 callEntire Call number All content from the call number field, including all subfields and repeated subfields, with redundant spaces and delimiters removed.
50 callEntireCR Call number All content from the call number field, including all subfields and repeated subfields, with redundant spaces and delimiters converted to carriage returns.
51 callSubc Call number component for pocket labels All content from subfield c (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

090 FIC|c1998|d345|pandrew

52 callSubp Call number component for pocket labels All content from subfield p (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

090 FIC|c1998|d345|pandrew

53 biba Author All content from subfields a-z from the first a-tagged field from the bibliographic record, regardless of MARC tag.
54 bib245b Title All content from the first occurrence of subfield b in the first 245 or 200 field from the bibliographic record, regardless of field group tag.
55 bib245n Title All content from the first occurrence of subfield n in the first 245 or 200 field from the bibliographic record, regardless of field group tag.
56 bib245p Title All content from the first occurrence of subfield p in the first 245 or 200 field from the bibliographic record, regardless of field group tag.
57 callSube Call number component All content in subfield s (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field.

For example: c089 |a823.912|sTOL|cD|r2|e/2

58 callSubr Call number component All content in subfield e (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

c089 |a823.912|sTOL|cD|r2|e/2

59 callSubs Call number component All content in subfield s (first occurrence only) of the first c-tagged variable-length field. For example:

c089 |a823.912|sTOL|cD|r2|e/2

  1. The element content is <NULL> when there is no match in the data source.
  2. Spaces in this data are converted to carriage returns for vertical presentation of the data on the label.
  3. The decimal point can be added to the template, as needed.
See also:
Print Template Data Libraries
Print Templates Settings
Printing with Print Templates
Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates
Batch Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates