JSON Create Lists Query Syntax

The JSON syntax in the reference tables below is used in Create Lists when creating a JSON query. See the creating a JSON query for information on using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in Create Lists, the JSON query structure, and example JSON queries.

See Creating Lists (Review Files) for more information on creating and working with review files.

Create Lists JSON Syntax for Record Field Discriminators

JSON queries use the following discriminators in the target property to specify the record field or record property to be searched:

record field type example JSON discriminator JSON discriminator property example JSON query syntax Notes
variable-length field (non-MARC tag) Bibliographic Author (field group tag "a") field tag "field": {"tag": "a"} Use the field discriminator with the tag property for non-MARC field tag searches. See Field Groups for more information about Innovative field group tags.
variable-length field (MARC field tag) Bibliographic MARC 245 ("245 4|abch") field


optional properties:

ind1, ind2, subfields

"field": {"marcTag": "245", "ind1": " ", "ind2": "4", "subfields": "abch"}

Use the field discriminator with the marcTag operator for MARC-tag searches.

Use the ind1/ ind2 and subfields properties only for MARC-tag searches that include a first indicator and a second indicator, and/or searches that include a MARC subfield. You can omit these properties if you are only searching the numeric field tag.

Note that if you use either ind1 or ind2 in your query, both of these properties must be in included in the query syntax, or the system will provide whichever is missing and assign it a null ("0") value for the purposes of the search. You can omit both ind properties in your query and use only the subfields property along with the marcTag property.

fixed-length field Item Status (ff# 88) id none "id": 88 The JSON id number is the same as the fixed-length field number. These numbers are three or fewer digits.
special field (MARC leader and control fields) Bibliographic MARC 008 'Country' subfield specialField none "specialField": 268 See the specialField note below for more information on how the system stores MARC leader and control field elements.
record property Item Hold Patron id none "id": 8001 The field id number is four or more digits.
specialField Note

The specialField number is a number that Sierra uses to identify a MARC leader or control field element (the @ Num). These numbers are documented in the following topics:

Create Lists JSON Syntax for Relational Operators

Create Lists queries include one or more relational operators to specify the search criteria for the records. The table below includes the JSON query syntax for the operators in the "op" property:


Operator Name

JSON op property syntax

= Equal to equals
!= Not equal to not_equal
> Greater than greater_than
< Less than less_than
>= Greater than or equal to greater_than_or_equal
<= Less than or equal to less_than_or_equal
H Has has
A All fields don't have all_fields_not_have
O At least one field doesn't have at_least_one_field_not_have
W Between between
N Not within not_within
I In in
^ Starts with starts_with
$ Ends with ends_with
E Exist exists
N Not exist not_exists
T equals today today
Y equals yesterday yesterday
V within last week last_week
M within last month last_month
A is this many days ago days_ago
B is this many weeks ago weeks_ago
C is this many months ago months_ago
R Matches (regular expression) regex

Create Lists JSON Syntax for Record-Type Names

The table below includes the JSON query syntax for Innovative record types, as specified in the "type" property of the query target.

Record Type JSON syntax
Bibliographic bib
Order order
Item item
Volume volume
Checkin holding
Patron patron
Resource resource
License license
Vendor vendor
Contact contact
Invoice invoice
Authority authority
Course course
Program program
Section section