Viewing Owning/Home Circulation Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 17 (Circulation statistics). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired Consortium Management Extensions and Web Management Reports, you can view Owning/Home Circulation reports.

This report is for consortia only. It reports how often patrons checked out items owned by locations other than their home library during a specified period. In the report, owning libraries appear in rows and patrons' home libraries in columns.

The owning library is determined by taking the LOCATION in the item record and converting it to a Campus or Community code by looking it up in the Location Mapping Table.

A patron's home library is determined by the code entered in the HOME LIBR fixed-length field in the patron record.

The report can display:

Total circulation displays the number of times patrons checked out items owned by locations other than their home library.

For example, the total circulation display is similar to:

In the total circulation example above, two items that belong to main were checked out to patrons whose home library is north. Similarly, three of main's items were checked out to patrons from east, and four of main's items were checked out to west's patrons. As shown in the Total at the end of main's row, nine items belonging to main were checked out by patrons whose home library is not main.

The total circulation example above also shows that patrons with main as the home library code in their patron records checked out 10 items owned by north, four items owned by east, and 19 items owned by west. As shown in the Total at the end of main's column, patrons with main as their home library checked out 33 items owned by locations other than main.

Net circulation displays the difference between the number of items

  • an owning location provides to a home library.
  • a home library provides to an owning location.

Negative numbers can display in net circulation. For example:

  • Twelve patrons with the home library code "north" in their patron records check out items owned by main.
  • Seven patrons whose home library is "main" check out items owned by north.
  • The net circulation table displays:
    • 5 where owning location main's row intersects home library north's column.
    • the reciprocal -5 where owning location north's row intersects home library main's column.

To view the Owning/Home report:

  1. Choose Circ Activity from the Circulation submenu of the reports menu.
  2. Choose Owning/Home from the Circ Stats menu.
  3. Choose the Submit button.
  4. To display the total circulation, choose TOTAL circulation.
  5. To display the net circulation, choose NET circulation.
  6. To include the number of items checked out for which the owning location and home library match, check Include statistics on number of items patrons borrow from their own library?.

If you do not include the number of items checked out for which the owning location and home library match, the report displays "0" for this statistic.

  1. To choose which months' data starts and ends the statistics report, check the appropriate boxes in the Choose a STARTING and ENDING month table.
  2. To generate the report, choose the Submit Query button.
  3. To generate a new report while viewing the existing report, choose Recalculate. The existing report is replaced with the new report.
See also:
Viewing Non-owned Circulation Reports
Blank Codes for Consortia Statistics