Linking from External Origins to Resources

To link to resources from origins follow these steps:

Set up the Origin and Resource

  1. If necessary, create a category for the origin and resource.

    Origins and resources must be in the same category for links between them to work.
  2. If necessary, create the origin definition.

    The origin definition must be active for the link to work.
  3. If necessary, create the resource definition.

    The resource definition must be active for the link to work.
  4. Assign the origin definition and the resource definition to the same category.

Create the Link

  1. Decide where to display the link. Open the resource definition by choosing Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the WebBridge LR home page.

    The Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the resource.

    The Resource (<resource_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Resource tab
  3. Expand the Link Resolver menu. For example:

    Link Resolver menu
  4. Enter the resource's URL in the URL text box.
  5. Choose Yes for Link Resolver | Display link in the link resolver?.
  6. Enter one or all of the following for the link:
  7. To display coverage dates with a link, choose Yes for Show coverage dates?
  8. Assign data tests that determine the circumstances under which the link displays.
  9. Assign filters that determine the circumstances under which the link displays.
  10. Enter a sort order for the resource's link.

Display the Resource

  1. Contact the external origin vendor to request:
    • access to their administration Web pages
    • an Open URL Service Identifier (SID)
  2. On the vendor's web site, enter the information for the link from the external origin to the WebBridge LR server.
  3. Customize the display of the panel.
  4. Customize the display of the link.