Suspending Routees

Sierra can automatically suspend and reinstate routees based on dates you enter in the system. Routees can be suspended:

The names or initials of suspended routees are grayed out on the Routing tab. Suspended routees do not print on routing slips. Email notifications are not affected.

To suspend a routee:

  1. Choose Routing from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the routing or patron record of the individual whom you want to suspend from serials routing.
  3. Depending on when you want to suspend the routee, enter the dates as follows:
To suspend a routee ... then ...
for a range of dates in the future, enter the beginning and ending dates for the suspension in the Suspend Date From and To text boxes.
effective immediately, and automatically reinstate them on a future date, remove any date in the Suspend Date From text box. Enter the last day of the suspension in the Suspend Date To text box.
indefinitely, enter the beginning date of the suspension in the Suspend Date From text box. Remove any date in the Suspend Date To text box.
  1. Choose Close to save your entries.

Enter the suspension dates in each serials check-in unit that contains the routee.

See also:
Editing a Serial's Routing List