Editing, Deleting, and Sending Bindery Files

Using the Send Bind Files function, you can:

Bindery files appear on the left-hand side of the Send Bind Files window. They are listed in alphabetical order. If files start with numbers, they are listed sequentially, before files starting with letters.

Editing Bindery Files

To edit bindery files:

  1. Choose Send Bind Files from the Function list. The Send Bind Files window appears.
  2. Choose the file to edit from the list of files on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Choose a line to edit in the file.
  4. Choose a field to edit in the line.
  5. Enter the edit in the field. The line is immediately updated.

You cannot enter a vertical bar ( '|' ) within a bind file field. Vertical bars are used to separate fields in bind files.

Deleting Lines in Bindery Files

To delete lines in bindery files:

  1. Choose Send Bind Files from the Function list. The Send Bind Files window appears.
  2. Choose the file to edit from the list of files on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Choose one or more lines in the file.
  4. Choose Delete Line. The lines are immediately deleted.

Sending Bindery Files

To send bindery files to the bindery:

  1. Choose Send Bind Files from the Function list. The Send Bind Files window appears.
  2. Choose the file to send from the list of files on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Choose Send.
  4. Follow the instructions for transferring files via FTS.

Deleting Bindery Files

  1. Choose Send Bind Files from the Function list. The Send Bind Files window appears.
  2. Choose the file to delete from the list of files on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Choose Delete File.
See also:
Creating and Adding to Bindery Files
Sending Issues to the Bindery in Batch
Selecting a Particular Serial to Send to the Bindery