Managing Emails

The system sends emails to both patrons and staff (program operators and supervisors) as a result of various activity within Program Registration. By default, some emails are sent automatically by the system, while other emails require staff setup. System-generated email includes the following.

The following table shows the various system-generated emails that Program Registration can send and the emails' recipients:

    Patron Section
Patron Emails Registration Confirmation      
  Waitlist Confirmation      
  Transfer from Section to Section      
  Transfer from Waitlist to Registration List      
  Automatic Transfer from Waitlist to Registration List      
  Cancellation Confirmation      
Reminder Emails Program Starting Soon    
Advisory Emails Manual Transfer Required      
  Automatic Transfer Confirmation Could Not Be Sent      
Staff Alerts Section Starting Soon Alert      
  Section Filling Alert      
  Minimum Alert      

In addition to system-generated emails, you can send broadcast emails to select or all patrons on the registration list or waitlist at any time.