Advisory Emails Sent to the Operator

If an email address for the operator is specified in the EMAIL OP variable-length field of a program record, the operator receives advisory emails from Program Registration when a patron uses the WebPAC to cancel a registration and staff must take some kind of action.

Program Registration sends the following advisory emails:

Advisories Only Sent When Section Is Active and Registration Is Possible

Regardless of any other settings, if a patron cancels a registration for a section that is not active (the STATUS field is set to "INACTIVE" or "CANCELLED") and/or for which registration via Sierra is not enabled (the REGPOSSIBL field is set to "SPECIAL" or "FALSE"), the system does not automatically transfer patrons from the waitlist nor does it send any emails to the operator.

Manual Transfer Required Email

The system sends the operator a Manual Transfer Required advisory if the following is true:

The wording of the advisory depends on whether automatic transfer is enabled as well as whether the first session of the program is still in the future or has already occurred.

If the first session is:   And automatic transfer is:    The Manual Transfer Required advisory:
in the future not enabled prompts the operator to manually transfer the patron(s) at the top of the waitlist to the recently vacated seat(s) on the registration list
in the past either enabled or
not enabled
informs the operator that the system did not automatically transfer any patrons, and recommends a manual transfer if necessary

If the first session is in the future and automatic transfer is enabled, there is no need for manual transfer and therefore no Manual Transfer Required advisory is sent.

Manual transfer required advisories sent before the first session meets resemble the following:

Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 13:26:48
From: Program Reg Email <>
Subject: Program Reg Requires Manual Transfer to Fill Vacant Seat 

A cancellation has resulted in a vacant seat on the registered list for this section:

Program Name: Chocolate: the Terroir and the Bean
Instructor: Lila Bota
Start Date: May 03 2007 12:01:00PM
Location: Music Library
Cost Per Registrant: $0.00

A waitlist exists, but automatic transfer is not enabled, so a manual transfer is required 
to fill the seat.

Manual transfer required advisories sent after the first session meets resemble the following:

Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 13:26:48
From: Program Reg Email <>
Subject: Program Reg Requires Manual Transfer to Fill Vacant Seat 

A cancellation has resulted in a vacant seat on the registered list for this section:

Program Name: Chocolate: the Terroir and the Bean
Instructor: Lila Bota
Start Date: May 03 2007 12:01:00PM
Location: Music Library
Cost Per Registrant: $0.00

A waitlist exists, but autotransfer will not occur because the first session has already 
started.  A manual transfer is required to fill the seat.

Automatic Transfer Confirmation Could Not Be Sent Email

The system automatically emails an Automatic Transfer Confirmation Could Not Be Sent advisory to the program operator if the following is true:

Automatic Transfer Confirmation Could Not Be Sent advisories resemble the following:

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 17:25:51 
From: Program Reg Email <> 
Subject: Program Reg Cannot Email Auto Transferred Patron 

Program Name: Chocolate: 70 percent and more!
Instructor: Lila Bota
Start Date: September 17 2007 12:00:00PM
Location: Main Rm. 240
Cost Per Registrant: $0.00

The system was unable to send transfer confirmation to this patron, who has been automatically transferred 
from the waitlist to the registered list:

Name: Lee, Thom
Note: Thom

The patron record may not contain a valid email address, so a phone call is required to confirm registration.
If a Cancellation Confirmation Could Not Be Sent

If a patron cancels a registration in the WebPAC but the system cannot send the cancellation confirmation email (for example, because the patron record of the transferred patron does not contain an email address), the operator does not need to inform the patron of the patron's own cancellation action and therefore the system does not send an advisory to the operator.