Assigning Data Tests to Resources

Data tests are used to suppress links to target resources based on data in the bibliographic record and coverage data.

To assign data tests to resource definitions:

  1. Choose Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the Pathfinder Pro home page.

    The Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the resource.

    The Resource (<resource_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Resource tab
  3. Expand the Bibliographic record menu:

    Bibliographic record menu of the Resource
  4. Assign data tests by moving them from the available to the selected column.
  5. If more than one data test is moved to the selected column, choose the Data base behavior:
    1. To show the resource only if all the data tests pass, choose All tests pass.

      When you choose this menu option, it is as if all tests are connected by a Boolean AND operator.
    2. To show the resource if any data tests passes, choose Any test passes.

      When you choose this menu option, it is as if all tests are connected by a Boolean OR operator.

The field selectors in a data test create a correspondence between record fields and coverage table fields. The Match against this resource creates the correspondence between the field selector's coverage table fields and the appropriate resource in the coverage table.

This illustrates the relationship of coverage table resources and fields and field selectors, data tests, and resource definitions:

Choosing coverage table resources and fields

For example, if all of these are true:

then the ISSN and EISSN coverage fields used in the data test are from the JSTOR portion of the coverage table.