Importing Dublin Core Records from an XML Batch File

To use MetaData Loader, you must be assigned permission 635 (MetaData Loader). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your site has acquired MetaData Builder, you can use MetaData Loader to batch-load multiple bibliographic records from a single Resource Description Framework (RDF) file. MetaData Loader reads RDF files written in extensible markup language (XML) that incorporate the Dublin Core element set. When you load a batch file from your computer, the system verifies that the XML is well-formed (syntactically valid) and checks for invalid elements, that is, elements not in the associated data type description (DTD) file. The batch file must be well-formed to load. MetaData Loader does not correct syntax or formatting errors. For information on handling data elements that are not in the DTD, see Invalid Elements, below.

While there is no hard limit to the size of file MetaData Loader can process, your system's network speed and server responsiveness determine the size of file that is practical.

Batch-loading Dublin Core XML Records

To load a batch file of Dublin Core records:

  1. Choose Metadata Loader from the Function list.
  2. Click Choose File and select the file to load.
File Validity Check

MetaData Loader does not load the selected file if the XML is not well-formed (syntactically valid). In such cases, the loader provides a descriptive message.

The loader stops at the first error it encounters. You must correct all syntax errors in the batch file before it loads successfully.

  1. Click Choose Template and select a bibliographic record template to use for loading the records.
  2. Optionally, you can specify the record within the file with which to begin loading. By default, the system begins with the first record in the file.
  3. Choose Load Records. The Processed Entries table shows the loader's progress through the batch file.
Invalid Elements

If MetaData Loader encounters data elements that do not appear in the associated DTD, it asks you how to proceed. See Invalid Elements for a full discussion of the options.

MetaData Loader does not do duplicate checking or overlays. The loader creates a maximum of four special Boolean review files for the records it loads. You can view the files in Create Lists. MetaData Loader file names consist of the characters MDB load for followed by the first eight characters of the batch file name and a timestamp. For example:

MDB load for ucb_alt2_20070201092357

If four MetaData Loader files exist, the loader overwrites the oldest existing file. To prevent a MetaData Loader file from being overwritten, copy it to an empty review file.

Load Failure

If MetaData Loader fails during a load, check the review file to confirm the status and completeness of the last record loaded.

Invalid Elements

MetaData Loader compares the data elements in the batch file against the elements described in the DTD file specified in the batch file's header. Elements not listed in the DTD are invalid. If the loader encounters a record with an invalid element, the Problem Parsing Record dialog box appears.

The dialog box message specifies which element is invalid. You can choose to address the error by using the following options:

Apply this choice to all records with any invalid elements
Select (check) this box to apply the choice you select to all invalid elements the loader finds.

Ignore invalid elements, create record
Choose this button to create the record and ignore the invalid element any time it appears in the batch file. The loader saves reference information to a file you specify. For example:

The following elements were ignored when the F:\mail\attach\ucb_alt.xml file was loaded.

Record b16580722:
Line: 6 DC Record: 1 - <ab:test>testing</ab:test>
Line: 36 DC Record: 4 - <ab:test>testing</ab:test>

If the loader finds additional invalid elements that you choose to ignore, it appends reference information to the file you specified for the first invalid element. If you selected the Apply this choice to all records with any invalid elements check box, the loader ignores all invalid elements in the batch file, without prompting, and appends reference information to the file you specify.

Skip record, save to file
Choose this button to skip the record containing the invalid element and save the record data to a file you specify. The loader presents a dialog box for you to specify the file name and location, and then continues loading records unless it finds another invalid element. If you selected the Apply this choice to all records with any invalid elements check box, the loader skips all records containing invalid elements and saves them to the file you specified. The file of skipped records is a Dublin Core file with a correct header and footer. You can correct or remove the invalid elements and reload the file.

Stop loading records
Choose this button to stop loading records from the batch file.