Viewing MARC Records in Data Exchange

MARC records in import and export files can be viewed by using Data Exchange.

When you view MARC records in a file, you also can:

You can view the MARC records in the following formats:

Format Record appears ...
Plain in the Sierra Editor format.
Hex as it is stored on a tape or transmitted electronically. This can be useful for determining:
  • what is contained within the record,
  • the reason for a loading error.
Verified Hex in formatted hex, grouped by field.

To view the MARC records in a file:

  1. Select one of the files that has been imported, preprocessed, loaded, or created for output.
  2. Choose Tools | View a File. The MARC record appears in Plain, Hex, and Verified Hex formats, with each format on its own tab:

When you view a file, the system displays blocked MARC records.

  • To move between records or blocks, do one of the following:
    • Choose Next or Previous in the toolbar to see the record or block information that directly precedes or follows the information you are currently viewing.
    • Enter the Record or Block number in the Jump field and choose Go.
  • To print the record information that is currently displayed in the file view window, do one of the following:
    • Choose File | Print (<default printer>)
    • Choose File | Select Printer and specify a printer.

See Printing in Sierra for more information.