Load Tables

After records have been imported to the Innovative server, they must be translated from their existing format into the storage format used by your database (that is, "preprocessed"). In accordance with your library's specifications, Innovative sets up "load tables" that are used to map the existing format to the storage format.

Load tables can also contain commands to be executed as records are loaded into the Innovative database. For example, commands can overlay fields in existing records with data from incoming records or create attached records using data in specified fields of incoming records.

Load Profiling Services

For customized record importing, your library must acquire Profiling Services or Load Profile Training.

Load tables are used during the load to:

To request changes in a load table or create a new load table, contact Innovative. Contact Innovative to change the default load table used for Z39.50 transfer.

You can view your library's load tables in the Admin Corner.

Common examples of load tables are m2btab.b, m2btab.order, m2btab.bta, m2btab.anam, m2btab.asub, m2btab.batch, and m2btab.p.

A trigger in the load table determines which field(s) in incoming records contain the values that are interpreted as "holding symbols." Holding symbols are used to:

You can use holding symbols for records that cannot be edited before they are imported by entering in the holding symbol file some value that holds true for all records (for example, 245 subfield 'a' exists). You can edit the holding symbol file with Advanced System Access & Administration .