Reporting on Title Overlap in Electronic Resources

To run a Title Overlap Report, you must be assigned permission 227 (Title Overlap Report). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Title Overlap reports in ERM enable you to analyze titles and their coverage across multiple resources. You can use these reports to:

To report on title overlap in your electronic resources:

  1. Choose ERM – Coverage Analysis Mode from the Function drop-down list.
  2. Choose the Title Overlap tab.
  3. Select the resources on which you want to report by choosing the checkbox next to two or more resource names in the list.
  4. Choose one of the following report types from the drop-down list:

    Appears in more than oneDisplays titles that are available in more than one resource. You should compare these titles to ensure that coverage is not identical. These are the overlapping titles.
    Appears in all resourcesDisplays individual titles that are provided by all your electronic resources. This report identifies titles that have the most overlap.
    Appears in one resourceDisplays titles that are provided by only one electronic resource. These are the unique titles.
    All titlesDisplays all the titles provided by all your electronic resources. This is the most complete report and enables you to view your electronic collection to see all patterns of overlap.

  5. Choose Run Report. The system displays the relevant titles and, in the column for each of the selected resources, the coverage dates for that title provided by the resource.
  6. (Optional) Export the report to a spreadsheet application:
    1. Choose Export. The spreadsheet application opens on your desktop, displaying the report.
    2. Save the report by choosing the Save As command in the spreadsheet application.
See also:
Managing Electronic Resources with ERM
Maintaining Coverage Data for Resources