Modifying Item Records with Circa

To modify items with Circa, you must be assigned the appropriate permissions for Circa and permission 124 (Update item records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can use Circa to modify item record information if the following is true:

  1. You process the item with any of the following:
  2. Circa is able to update the item. Circa is unable to modify record information for items that have associated errors and cannot be updated.

If Circa enables you to modify item information, you can edit the following item record fields:

Circa Enables You to Modify Item Records Only

Circa enables modification of item record fields only. If no information exists in an item record field and an equivalent field in the bibliographic record exists (e.g., the Call Number field), Circa displays the information from the bibliographic record. However, if you modify the field's value, the system updates only the item record.

To change the bibliographic record, you must use Sierra to modify the record.

Modifying the Item Status

Circa enables you to update the item record's STATUS field if:

Effect of Changing Item Status

When you use Circa to update an item's status, the system only updates the STATUS field in the item's record; it does not set in motion any activity regarding that item. For example, if you update an item's status to "IN TRANSIT", the item record displays a 't' in the STATUS field, but the system does not add an in-transit note to the item record and does not print a transit slip for the item. To set an item in transit, you must check it in at a Sierra workstation.

See also:
Fine Assessment in Inventory Control for Circa