Recording and Editing Teleforms Messages

The Teleforms software includes two generic message profiles, complete with prerecorded message components. The first message profile is called HP0 and is used for hold pickup notices. The second message profile is called OD0 and is used for overdue notices. If your library does not want to use the default message components, you must record new message components and edit the message profiles.

Modifying Teleforms Options

Before you modify options or edit tables in the Teleforms software, you should stop the Teleforms computer from placing calls. After you are done, you can restart the Teleforms computer. For information on starting and stopping the Teleforms computer, see Starting and Stopping in Setting the Teleforms Calling Schedule.

Recording Messages

You can record messages using the Teleforms Prompt Studio or the Teleforms_D Prompt Recorder.

Teleforms Prompt Studio

To record a message using the Teleforms Prompt Studio:

  1. Run the Teleforms software via your Desktop shortcut.
  2. From the Main window, choose Tools | Prompt Studio.
  3. You can record messages from any telephone called by the Teleforms computer. From the Prompt Studio menu bar, choose Tools | Callout. The Call Out dialog box opens.
  4. Enter a Dial String (telephone number), then choose Call Out.
  5. Answer the telephone called by the Teleforms computer. The Teleforms computer recognizes the connection.
  6. Choose the record button (red circle) to record the message. Choose the stop button (black square) to stop recording.
  7. (Optional) Choose the play button (black forward arrow) to audit your new recording.
  8. When you are satisfied with your recording, choose File | Save As.
  9. You must save your messages in the Voice Files folder. You can find this folder by choosing File | Open | Voice Files. If you do not save your sound files in this folder, the Teleforms software cannot find your messages.
  10. Save your message component files with the .lin extension. For example, overdueseg1.lin.

    The Teleforms computer uses a combination of three .lin files to specify dates; one file for the day of the week, one file for the day of the month, and one file for the name of the month. These files must exist on the Teleforms computer in the following format:

    Days of the WeekCombine the first three letters of the day's name (in uppercase) with the .lin extension.MON.lin
    MonthsCombine the first three letters of the month's name (in uppercase) with the .lin extension.DEC.lin
    Days of the MonthCombine the number of the day with the .lin extension. Note that these numbers must be represented by two digits. For example, use 03.lin, not 3.lin.14.lin

    In the Teleforms Prompt Studio, you can record all messages or segments in a single file, including appropriate pauses, and then cut and paste the appropriate segments into specific .lin files.

Teleforms_D Prompt Recorder

To record a message using the Teleforms_D Prompt Recorder:

  1. Run the Teleforms software via your Desktop shortcut.
  2. From the Teleforms window, choose Edit | Prompt Recorder. The Prompt Recorder window appears.
  3. You can record messages from any telephone called by the Teleforms computer. Enter a Number to Dial and click Connect.
  4. Answer the telephone called by the computer and say, "Hello". The Teleforms computer recognizes the connection and enables the File button in the Prompt Recorder window.
  5. Choose File and select the message component file you want to record or change, for example, overdueseg1.WAV. Teleforms_D enables the Operation group of buttons for recording.
  6. You must save your message component files in the WAV audio format. WAV files have the .WAV extension, for example, overdueseg1.WAV.

    The Teleforms computer uses a combination of three .WAV files to specify dates; one file for the day of the week, one file for the day of the month, and one file for the name of the month. These files must exist on the Teleforms computer in the following format:

    Days of the WeekCombine the first three letters of the day's name (in uppercase) with the .WAV extension.MON.WAV
    MonthsCombine the first three letters of the month's name (in uppercase) with the .WAV extension.DEC.WAV
    Days of the MonthCombine the number of the day with the .lin extension. Note that these numbers must be represented by two digits. For example, use 03.WAV, not 3.WAV.14.WAV

    In the Teleforms_D Prompt Recorder, you must open, record, and save each .WAV file individually. The Prompt Recorder does not offer the tools to cut and paste segments of a large recording into smaller files.

  7. Choose Record and speak the phrase you want to record.
  8. When you finish the phrase, choose Stop to save the recording.
  9. (Optional) Choose Play to audit the new recording.
  10. (Optional) To record additional message components, stay on the line and select another .WAV file to record, as above.
  11. Choose Close to end the recording session. The Teleforms computer terminates the call.

Editing Message Profiles

A Teleforms message profile is a list of message components in the order that they should play to construct a coherent message. Perform the following steps to edit the message profiles on the Teleforms computer. Note that if your library has acquired additional hold pickup message profiles, you can create new message profiles.

  1. Run the Teleforms software via your Desktop shortcut.
  2. In Teleforms, choose File | Message Profile from the Main window. If your system runs Teleforms_D, choose Edit | Message Profiles from the Teleforms window. The Message Profile window appears.
  3. You can edit the following components for each message.
    PROFILE_CODEThe name of the message profile. HP0 is used for hold pickup notices and OD0 is used for overdue notices.
    DESCRIPTIONA description of the message.
    VOICESEGMENT1The first segment of the message. For messages where a date is not spoken, such as overdues, this segment can include the entire message. For hold pickup messages, the end of this segment should introduce the held until date, for example, "your items will be held until..."

    Note that if your system runs Teleforms, this must be a .lin file, if your system runs Teleforms_D this must be a .WAV file.

    SAYDATEONSpecifies whether the message includes the date until which the Time To Pickup element of the loan rule requires the item to be held ("true" or "false"). You should enable this option for hold pickup notices only.
    VOICESEGMENT2The second segment of the message to be spoken after the date. Note that if your system runs Teleforms, this must be a .lin file, if your system runs Teleforms_D this must be a .WAV file.
    SAYNAMEONSpecifies whether the message includes the patron's name ("true" or "false"). You should enable this option for hold pickup notices only. If this option is enabled, you must also enable the FLIPSAYORDER option.
    VOICESEGMENT3The third, or closing, segment of the message. Note that if your system runs Teleforms, this must be a .lin file, if your system runs Teleforms_D this must be a .WAV file.
    FLIPSAYORDERSpecifies whether to present the patron's name following voice segment 1 ("true" or "false"). If you enable the SAYNAMEON option, you must set this option to "true".
    REPEATMSGSpecifies whether to repeat the entire message ("true" or "false").
  4. When you are finished editing the message components, choose Close.