Setting the Teleforms Calling Schedule

The Teleforms computer operates unattended, starting and ending its calling functions according to the schedule you determine. Perform the following steps to set the Teleforms calling schedule.

Modifying Teleforms Options

Before you modify options or edit tables in the Teleforms software, you should stop the Teleforms computer from placing calls. After you are done, you can restart the Teleforms computer. For information on starting and stopping the Teleforms computer, see Starting Stopping, below.

  1. Open the Teleforms software via your Desktop shortcut.
  2. (Teleforms software only.) From the main window, choose Tools | Call Manager Scheduler.
  3. The Call Manager Scheduler contains the following options. (Note that if your system runs Teleforms_D, the following options appear at the bottom of the main Teleforms window.)
  4. Calling Days The Calling Days box contains a check box for every day of the week. The Teleforms computer will place calls on each day of the week that is checked.
    Calling Times The Teleforms computer can place calls during two periods of the day. Specify these periods by keying values in the following table.
    StartThe time when the Teleforms computer begins placing calls. The Teleforms computer will not place calls earlier than the StartTime.
    PauseThe time when the system stops placing calls (e.g., the dinner hour).
    RestartThe time when the system resumes placing calls.
    StopThe time when the system stops placing calls. The Teleforms computer will not place calls later than the StopTime. The Teleforms computer will resume placing calls at the Start time of the next enabled Calling Day.
    Starting and Stopping To implement the current schedule, choose Start. To prevent the Teleforms computer from placing calls, choose Stop. Note that the Status box displays the Teleforms computer's current calling status.

    If your system runs Teleforms (not Teleforms_D), Innovative strongly recommends that you use the Call Manager Scheduler to start making calls and to implement a schedule.

    Configure the options as needed.

  5. (Teleforms software only.) When you are finished configuring the options, choose Close.