Specifying Telephone Notification Hold Pickup Locations

Your library can acquire additional hold pickup message profiles so that you can customize telephone notification hold pickup calls to specify at which locations patrons should pick up their requested items. To acquire additional hold pickup messages, contact Innovative.

Perform the following steps for each hold pickup message your library has acquired.

  1. Use the TNS Location Map file to associate branch location codes with a telephone notification pickup location.
  2. Record a message component for the telephone notification pickup location.
  3. Create a new message profile for the hold pickup message. The message profile should combine the code HP0 with the name of the telephone notification pickup location (e.g., HP0west).

    For example, you might use the TNS Location Map file to associate the branch location codes wref, music, and wserr with the telephone notification pickup location west. You should then record a message that includes the name of that telephone notification pickup location (e.g., "West branch on 1st Street"). Then create a message profile by combining the code HP0 with the name of the telephone notification pickup location (HP0west) and assign it to the message you created. After you set up the telephone notification program, when it calls a patron to announce that a held item belonging to wref, music, or wserr is ready for pickup, it will play the HP0west message profile.