Editing the TNS Location Map File

To edit the TNS location map file, you must be assigned permission 47 (Edit TNS location map file). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired additional hold pickup messages, you can use the TNS Location Map file to associate branch location codes with telephone notification pickup locations. The telephone notification pickup location represents the pickup location for those branches. You can edit this file by choosing T > Edit TNS location map file in Admin Corner and performing the following steps:

Modifying telephone notification options when using Teleforms

Before you modify options or edit tables for telephone notification, you should stop the Teleforms computer from placing calls. After you are done, you can restart the Teleforms computer.

  1. Enter the number of the telephone notification pickup location you want to edit.
    1. (Optional) To create a new telephone notification pickup location, choose A > ADD an entry. The system prompts:

      TNS location:

    2. Enter the name for the telephone notification pickup location and press Enter.

      TNS Locations names are limited to five characters.

  2. The system displays a screen with the telephone notification pickup location you specified.
  3. For each branch location code you want to associate with the telephone notification pickup location, choose A > ADD a location and enter that branch location code, such as wref. Repeat this step until you have added all of the branch location codes you want.

    To remove a branch location code choose the D > DELETE a location option. To change the name of the telephone notification pickup location, choose the C > CHANGE name option.

  4. When you finish making changes, choose R > RETURN to previous menu. The system displays the telephone notification pickup location you entered and the branch location codes with which it is associated.
  5. When you finish editing the table, choose Q > QUIT.
Using Telephone Notification Pickup Locations

For each telephone notification pickup location you create, you should record a message stating the name of the pickup location (for example, "West branch on 1st Street") and a message profile. To name the message profile, combine the code HP0 with the name of the telephone notification pickup location you created (such as HP0west).For more information, see Specifying Telephone Notification Hold Pickup Locations.