Renewing Items via SMS (U.S. Libraries Only)

To enable patrons to renew items via SMS, you must set the Patron can renew own items OPAC option to "YES, even if overdue" or "YES, if not overdue".

Contact Innovative to enable the renew items via SMS feature.

If your library has acquired the SMS Alerts product and item renewal via SMS is enabled, patrons who have opted in to SMS alerts can renew items by sending a text message to your library. To renew all of a patron's checked-out items using SMS:

  1. The patron texts RENEW or RENEW ALL to your library's shortcode (35143).
  2. The system:
    1. Determines whether the patron has opted in to SMS Alerts. If the patron is not opted in, the system ignores the text message. Otherwise, the system moves to the next step.
    2. Attempts to renew each of the patron's checked-out items. To do so, the system checks each checked-out item for any conditions that would block a renewal in Sierra. If the renewal is blocked, the system does not renew that item. Otherwise, each item is renewed.
    3. Calculates the new due date for each renewed item and updates each item accordingly.
    4. Sends the patron a text message to inform the patron of the renewal status. Your library can specify the text of the message to send for the two possible renewal statuses:
      • At least one item was renewed successfully.
      • None of the patron's items were renewed.
See also:
Renewing Items