Possible Messages (Acquiring ILL Requests)

This section describes some of the messages you might see when you attempt to acquire or reacquire ILL requests.

Artemail requests <request #> - <request #> have been sent.
ILL has emailed your request(s) to ARTEmail. Sierra displays this message after you close the current session or select Admin | Send ARTEmail Requests.
BLDSS request file was successfully created.
(BLDSS only) The British Library found a match in its database for the requested item, and ILL has moved the request to the pending requests file and BLDSS table. See Acquiring ILL Items via BLDSS for more information.
ERROR Invalid ISBN (or ISSN)
(RapidILL only) RapidILL found an invalid ISBN or ISSN while processing a request. ILL leaves the request in the new requests file. You can edit or cancel the request.
Request Insert Successful. Request Id is <x>.
(RapidILL only) RapidILL found a match for the request and has provided the ID from their system. ILL moves the request to the filled requests file. You can finish processing the request from the RapidILL webpages. See Acquiring ILL Items using RapidILL for more information.
The British Library could not find a match for the item requested.
(BLDSS only) The British Library could not find a match in their database for the requested item. ILL retains the request in the new requests file, and you can acquire the item using a different method.
The operation was cancelled.
You cancelled the acquisition.
The request was sent to OCLC.
ILL has sent your request to OCLC.
This supplier is not capable of receiving email. Would you like to send a letter instead?
The supplier you choose to receive a email request does not have email. ILL prompts you to send the supplier a letter instead.
Unable to find matching journal (or book chapter).
(RapidILL only) RapidILL could not find a journal or book chapter matching the request.
Unable to lock the specified session for expenditures.
Only one process at a time can access funds for ILL acquisitions. The staff member with a currently active session must complete the acquisition and receive a confirmation message before a second staff member can access the funds for another ILL acquisition.
You must enter a valid Voucher Number before you can continue.
For an ARTEmail request, you chose the Next button without first entering a voucher number.
You must select an acquisition method to continue.
You chose the Next button without first selecting an acquisition method.
You must select a supplier to continue.
You chose the Next button without first using the Select button to choose a supplier.
Your article (or book chapter) request must contain <missing elements>.
(RapidILL only) Sierra reviewed the request prior to submitting it to RapidILL and found that required elements were missing (for example, article title or ISSN). You can edit or cancel the request.