Acquiring ILL Items using RapidILL

RapidILL integration is available in Sierra 6.1 and later. To set up support for RapidILL, contact Innovative.

If your library uses the RapidILL system, you can transmit requests for non-returnable items such as book chapters and articles using the RapidILL acquisition method in Sierra. This method reviews the request for required information and then passes it to RapidILL, which searches its database for matches. Once the request is successfully transmitted, you can finish processing the request from RapidILL's webpages.

To acquire ILL items through RapidILL:

  1. Select New Requests from the Function list.
  2. Select the rows for the request you want to acquire in the table, and click Acquire on the toolbar.
  3. On the Operation Wizard dialog, select RapidILL from the dropdown list. ILL displays the user, branch, and password for your assigned department.
  4. If necessary, change the values in the user, branch, and password fields.
  5. Click Finish.

 ILL reviews the request to ensure it contains the required information and does one of the following:

  • If the request is missing information, an error message appears (for example, "Your article request must contain an article title and an ISSN."). Click OK, then edit or cancel the request.
  • If the request contains the required information, ILL submits it to RapidILL, which validates the fields and looks for a match for the request. Sierra displays the results in the Operation Status Manager dialog as follows:
    • If the request is accepted, ILL displays the message "Request Insert Successful. Request Id is <x>", moves the request to the filled requests file, and lists the supplier as "RapidILL".
    • If the request is rejected, ILL displays an error message listing the reason (for example, "Unable to find matching journal" or "ERROR Invalid ISSN") and leaves the request in the new requests file. You can cancel the request or acquire the item using a different method.
  1. Click the Close icon to restore your view of the new requests file.
  2. Finish processing the request using the RapidILL webpages.
See also:
Acquiring ILL Items
Reacquiring ILL Items
Possible Messages (Acquiring ILL Items)