Viewing and Exporting Mobile Collections

To use the Mobile Collections function, you must be assigned permission 367 (Mobile Collections Management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library uses Mobile Collections, you can view the collections that are currently at your library. You can also export collection data to a third-party spreadsheet application if desired.

You should view your library's mobile collections regularly to check for collections that are ready for transfer to the next location.

Viewing Mobile Collections

To view your library's mobile collections:

  1. Choose Mobile Collections from the Function list. The system displays the mobile collections that belong to your location, which include:
    • the collections that were created with your login
    • the collections that have been transferred to your location (that is, to a location within your locations served)
    The locations served that is assigned to your login displays in the status bar. If you have not assigned a locations served parameter to your login, the system displays all mobile collections at all locations.
  2. If your library has acquired Consortium Management Extensions and enabled the Limit View of Mobile Collections by Agency feature, you can change your view of the Mobile Collections table to see all of the collections that belong to your locations served, your agency, or another locations served within your agency.

    To enable the Limit View of Mobile Collections by Agency feature, contact Innovative.

While viewing your library's mobile collections, you can edit, transfer, delete, or print a pick list for a collection. For information about each collection's data elements, see Mobile Collections Display.

Exporting Mobile Collections Data

To export mobile collections data to a different application, such as Excel:

  1. View the collections you want to export.
  2. Choose the Export button or Tools | Export from the menu bar.
  3. Choose an export option and proceed as prompted:
    Open in Excel
    If Excel is installed on your computer, Excel automatically launches and displays the collection you exported in a file called mobilecollection<#####>.xls file. (The appended <#####> is a random number used to distinguish the current exported file from previously exported files.)
    Print to a file
    The system prompts you to specify a file name and a folder on your computer in which to save the collection data, then exports the data to the location you selected. You must choose the program you want to use to view the file. Table entries are formatted into columns separated by spaces.
    Save as csv text
    The system prompts you to specify a file name and a folder on your computer in which to save the collection data, then exports the data to the location you selected. You must choose the program you want to use to view the file. Table entries are separated by columns.
    Save as tabbed text
    The system prompts you to specify a file name and a folder on your computer in which to save the collection data, then exports the data to the location you selected. You must choose the program you want to use to view the file. Table entries are separated by tabs.

For information about the data in the output file, see Mobile Collections Display.