Defining Mobile Collection Routes

To use Mobile Collections, you must be assigned permission 367 (Mobile Collections Management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When creating or editing a mobile collection, you can modify the collection's route. A route consists of one or more stops and specifies the library branches to which the collection is to be transferred, the order in which to transfer them, and the amount of time the collection is to remain at each branch.

To assign a route to a collection, or to edit an existing route, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Mobile Collections from the Function list.
  2. Create or edit a mobile collection.
  3. Select the Route tab.
  4. Define a route for the collection, either manually or by choosing a predefined route.

Assigning a Predefined Route

If your library has set up the Predefined Routes table, you can save time by assigning a predefined route to the collection instead of defining each route stop manually. To assign a predefined route:

  1. In the Route tab, choose Use Predefined Route. The system displays the Select a Predefined Route window, which contains the predefined routes your library has established.
  2. Select a route from the drop-down list.
  3. To assign the route to the collection, choose OK. To return to the Route tab without assigning a route, choose Cancel. If you choose OK, the system automatically populates the route's transfer date, location, days, and status.
  4. To save the route, choose Save. When you finish editing the route, choose Close.

Defining a Route Manually

If you have not set up the Predefined Routes table, or if you need to create a new route to use just for this collection, you can manually define the collection's route by adding, reordering, and deleting individual route stops. To define a route manually:

  1. In the Route tab, choose Add.
  2. Enter the location to which the collection should be transferred and the number of days it will remain at that location.
  3. Continue defining the route using the following options:
    Creates a blank row for a new location above the selected row. You cannot insert a new stop above a stop to which the collection has already been transferred.
    Moves the selected stop to another position in the list. The system allows you to select a new position for the entry in the route. You cannot move a row to a position before other routes to which the collection has been transferred.
    Deletes the selected row from the route. You cannot delete a stop to which the collection has already been transferred.
    Adds a blank row to the end of the Route table.
    Clear Table
    Deletes all stops from the route. If you choose this option, the system prompts you to confirm the deletion: Are you sure?
  4. To save the route, choose Save. When you finish editing the route, choose Close.
See Also:
Mobile Collections Displays