Administering RFID Pad Server Options

To use the RFID Pad Server Options table to configure RFID stations, you must be assigned permission 350 (RFID Workstation Configuration). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired Item Status API, you can use the RFID Pad Server Options table to configure settings at each of your RFID stations. You must add an entry to this table for each circulation and Express Lane workstation to which you want to connect an RFID pad.

To administer your library's RFID workstations:

  1. Choose Admin | RFID Pad Server Options.
  2. Ensure that the table contains one entry for each RFID-enabled workstation by choosing one of the following options:
    • To add a new entry, choose Add and modify the data elements of the new entry.
    • To modify the data elements of an existing entry, select the entry you want to edit and choose Edit.
    • To copy an entry, choose Copy and then modify, at minimum, the Local IP Address element.
    • To delete an entry, select the entry you want to delete and choose Remove.
  3. When you are ready to connect an RFID pad to the workstation, check the Active element.
  4. To finish, choose one of the following:
    • To save your changes, choose Done.
    • To close without retaining any changes, choose Cancel.