Notifying the Patron that the Pickup Anywhere Item Is Available

After the Pickup Anywhere location receives the item, the system sends a message to the requesting patron's Local Server to create a pickup notice. The pickup notice has the same format and is generated the same way as a standard pickup notice, except that it instructs the patron to pick up the item at the requested Pickup Anywhere location.

If your Pickup Anywhere location is among the Locations Served assigned to your login, you can print these pickup notices when you print pickup notices for those locations. Otherwise, you can print these pickup notices by printing pickup notices specifically for that location or for all locations.

For information on printing pickup notices, see Printing INN-Reach Notices at Requesting Patron's Location.

Pickup Anywhere Holdshelf

If the patron does not pick up the Pickup Anywhere item before the hold expires, you can return the item to their owning sites by clearing the Pickup Anywhere holdshelf.

See also:
Circulating Pickup Anywhere Items
Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach