Additional INN-Reach Match Evaluations

INN-Reach can be configured to perform a number of additional evaluations once it has used the Primary Match Field or the Secondary Match Field to identify an existing record as a potential match for an incoming record. These additional evaluations are intended to confirm the initial match.

These evaluations include:

Evaluation MARC Sub/field(s) Evaluation Type* Applicable To
Title*** 245$ab Direct comparison Y Y
Medium information 245$h Presence Y Y
Large print indicators 245$h, 250, 300$a Content criteria Y Y
Reproduction notes 533$a Direct comparison Y Y
Video media formats 538$bcdf Content criteria Y Y
Imprint 260$abc Direct comparison N Y
Primary Match Field*** 001 Validation N Y
Matchkey <system-specific> Validation N Y

* The evaluations can have the following types:

Content criteria Determines whether the contents of the sub/field in the potential matches contain a specific value.
Direct comparison    Normalizes the content of the sub/field in the potential matches and compares the normalized strings to each other.
Presence Determines whether the sub/field is present or absent in the potential matches.
Validation Determines whether the contents of the sub/field in the potential matches meet validity standards.

** PMF = Primary Match Field; SMF = Secondary Match Field
*** Any match evaluations without this mark require that your INN-Reach System has acquired the "Enhanced Matching Service for INN-Reach" product. For more information, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

Primary Match Field Validation

If this evaluation is enabled, INN-Reach verifies whether the values in the Primary Match Fields for both the incoming and existing record are valid when it identifies a potential match based on a Secondary Match Field. Note that matchkeys are always valid.

Enhanced Matchkey Validation

If this evaluation is enabled, INN-Reach performs a configurable set of additional evaluations of the records when it identifies a potential match based on the matchkey as a Secondary Match Field. The system can be configured to perform any of the following evaluations: