Comparing Reproduction Notes in Incoming and Existing Bibliographic Records

Innovative can configure your INN-Reach Catalog to compare the MARC 533 (Reproduction Note) fields in incoming and master bibliographic records once the records have been identified as potential matches.

If your INN-Reach Catalog is configured to compare MARC 533 fields, the system evaluates this field when matching on both Primary Match Fields and Secondary Match Fields. To change whether or not the system compares MARC 533 data when evaluating potential matches, your Central System Administrator must contact Innovative.

This comparison uses only the following subfields of the MARC 533 field:

If your INN-Reach Catalog is configured to compare MARC 533 data, INN-Reach does the following:

  1. Determines whether a MARC 533 field is present in the incoming and existing records:
    • If the MARC 533 field is present in both records, the system continues to the next step in this comparison.
    • If the MARC 533 field is absent in one or both of the records, the system treats the absence of the field as equivalent to the presence of a matching field. The MARC 533 data matches.
  2. Evaluates whether the MARC 533 fields in the potential matches contain brackets. Below, matching brackets are defined as both a left bracket ( [ ) and a right bracket ( ] ).
    ConditionSystem Action
    No bracketsPerforms no action before continuing to the next step.
    Matching brackets (entire field)Removes all data within the matching brackets from the comparison string.
    Matching brackets (subfield $bcf)Removes all data within the matching brackets from the comparison string.
    Matching brackets (subfield $d only)   Disregards the brackets.
    Unmatched left bracketInserts an implicit matching right bracket in the subfield that contains the left bracket; then removes the data contained within the brackets from the comparison string.
    Unmatched right bracketInserts an implicit matching left bracket in the subfield that contains the right bracket; then removes the data contained within the brackets from the comparison string.

    For example:

    ConditionOriginal FieldComparison String
    No bracketsn533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960n533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960
    Matching brackets (entire field)n533 |b[Chicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960]n533 |b|c|d
    Matching brackets (subfield $bcf)n533 |b[Chicago,]|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960n533 |b|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960
    Matching brackets (subfield $d only)n533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d[1964,] c1960n533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964, c1960
    Unmatched left bracketn533 |b[Chicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964,c1960n533 |b|cChildrens Press,|d1964,c1960
    Unmatched right bracketn533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d1964,c1960]n533 |bChicago,|cChildrens Press,|d
  3. Determines whether the resulting MARC 533 comparison strings contain the $b, $c, $d, and $f subfields:
    • If any of these subfields is present in both MARC 533 comparison strings, the system continues to the next step in this comparison.
    • If any of these subfields is absent from one or both MARC 533 comparison strings, the MARC 533 data matches; the system considers the absence of the subfields as equivalent to a match.
  4. Normalizes the MARC 533 comparison strings.
    • If the 533 strings normalize to usable data in both records, the system continues to the next step in this comparison.
    • If the 533 string does not normalize to usable data in one or both of the records, the MARC 533 data matches; the absence of data is treated as equivalent to the presence of matching data.
  5. Compares the normalized 533 strings.
    Comparison ResultSystem Action
    Strings matchThe MARC 533 data matches.
    Strings do not match The MARC 533 data does not match.

Possible Outcomes of a MARC 533 Comparison

MARC 533 Data Matches
If the MARC 533 data matches (or is considered equivalent to a match by the system), the system stops the evaluation and proceeds as appropriate:
  • If your INN-Reach System has been configured for additional evaluations (for example, title comparison), the system continues to the next evaluation of the potential matches.
  • If no additional evaluations have been configured for your INN-Reach System, the system identifies the records as a match.
MARC 533 Data Does Not Match
If the MARC 533 data does not match, the system stops any further evaluation of the potential matches that your INN-Reach System might be configured to perform. It identifies the records as not a match.

Normalizing MARC 533 Subfield Data

To normalize data from MARC 533$b, $c, and $f subfields, the system:

  1. Makes all characters in the string lower case.
  2. Strips punctuation.
  3. (Only subfields $b and $c) Strips leading English articles (for example, "a", "an", "the").
  4. Elides spaces.
  5. Extracts the first contiguous sequence of four nonspace characters.
  6. Strips the entire data string if it normalizes to "sl" or "sn" only.

This normalization process can result in an empty string. If the normalization process results in a non-empty string, it is considered "usable" for the purposes of comparison.

For example:

Example Original Subfield Data Normalized Subfield Data
1 n533 |aMicrofilm.|bWoodbridge, CT|cResearch Publications, Inc.,|d1986.|e1 reel ; 35mm.|f(The Eighteenth Century ; reel 6460, no. 31) wood
2 n533 |cResearch Publications, Inc.,|d1986.|f(The Eighteenth Century ; reel 6460, no. 31) rese
3 n533 |d1986.|f(The Eighteenth Century ; reel 6460, no. 31) 1986
4 n533 |f(The Eighteenth Century ; reel 6460, no. 31) eigh
5 n533 |aPhotocopy.|bS.l. :|cs.n.,|d19--.|e28 cm. 19
6 n533 |aPhotocopy.|bS.l. :|cs.n.,|e28 cm. <empty>