Placing a Title-level Hold from the Summary Tab

To use the Search/Holds function, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records). To select the Hold copy returned soonest button, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To place a title-level hold from the Summary tab:

  1. Choose one of the following options from the Function list:
    • Binding
    • Catalog
    • Check In Bound
    • Claim/Cancel Orders
    • Claiming
    • Orders
    • Receive
    • Search/Holds
    • Serials Checkin
    • To Bindery
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record.
  3. Choose the Summary tab.

    If your library uses scoping, Sierra includes the Current Scope option under the All drop-down list. You can select the Current Scope option to limit the display to those items that belong to the scope assigned to your login. If your library uses scoping but Sierra does not display the Current Scope option, contact Innovative.

  4. Choose Holds in the View drop-down list.
    Holds/Bookings Option

    If your library has acquired Materials Booking, the Holds option in the View drop-down list displays as Holds/Bookings. In the Holds/Bookings view, Sierra displays the items attached to the bibliographic record and indicates the number of holds and bookings on each item in the Hold Count and Booking Count columns. If your library uses Materials Booking and the Holds/Bookings option still appears as Holds, contact Innovative.

  5. Choose the Hold Copy Returned Soonest button. Sierra opens a new search window.
  6. Retrieve the desired patron record.
    Hold Blocks

    To override the MAX HOLDS block, or to place a hold for a patron who currently has a copy of the title checked out, you must be assigned permission 92 (Override hold blocks).

    If the patron that you select has exceeded the number specified in the MAX HOLDS field for their P TYPE (in the Patron Blocks table), or if the patron currently has a copy of the title checked out, the system prompts you to override the block. You must override the block to continue. If you do not override the block, the system returns you to the summary of item records.

  7. Enter the title-level hold information.