Suppressing Inactive Course Records

If the Suppress Inactive Course Records feature is enabled, the system automatically modifies course records so that they are suppressed in WebPAC. (A course is considered inactive when you remove all of the course's attached records or change their status to inactive.) Suppressing inactive course records enables you to retain the records in your database but prevents patrons from retrieving these records when they search for courses.

Once you have set up suppression of inactive course records, the system automatically inactivates and activates course records when their reserve status changes.

Setting Up Suppression of Inactive Course Records

To set up suppression of inactive course records, contact Innovative and specify the following:

By default, Innovative alters your library's suppression rules to suppress the display of course records that contain the field/value combination that you specify. However, your can use Advanced System Access & Administration to edit the Rules for Suppression file yourself. Inform Innovative if you plan to edit the Rules for Suppression file.

Inactivating Course Records

When you inactivate a course record (i.e., change the status of all attached records to "Inactive" or remove all attached records), the system automatically updates the fixed-length field you specified when setting up the feature to the value you specified during setup. For example, the system might assign the value 's' to the CCODE2 fixed-length field. The record is then suppressed from public display in WebPAC.

Activating Course Records

When you activate a course record (i.e., change the status of an attached record to "Active" or add a record), the system automatically assigns the '-' value to the fixed-length field you specified when setting up the feature. The course record now appears in WebPAC.