Viewing the ArticleReach Database Status

To view the ArticleReach Database status, you must be assigned permission 703 (ArticleReach Statistics Reports). See Permissions Used By Sierra for more information.

You can view overall status information for the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server. The status information cumulates requests by all contributing sites in the ArticleReach System.

To view the database status, choose Request Detail from the Function list. The Database Status pane displays below the Statistics Download pane. For example:

Database Status (All Locations)
Total number of new requests 0
Total number of paged requests 129
Total number of requests in transit to patrons 15
Total number of filled requests 121
Total number of cancelled requests 63
Total number of mediated requests 93
Total number of requests sent to Pass2ILL 86
Total number of requests in database 507
See also:
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)