Adding Selections

Web Works Selection Lists offers two different methods to add selections to a title.

Adding Selections to a Single Title

Using this method, you can view bibliographic and order record information for each title before making your selections. Choose this method if you want to use Multiselection Groups or want to add multiple copies to a single title using different fund and location combinations.

From the Titles Display, do the following to use this method.

  1. Choose a title you want to view. The system displays the Selected Record Display containing bibliographic and order record information for that title.
  2. (Optional) If your library has acquired WebBridge, you can access extended information such as book reviews or annotations by choosing WebBridge. The system displays the WebBridge results in a separate window.

To access one of the external resources, click on one of the links. The system launches the associated URL in an open browser window. To return to your Web Works Selection Lists session, minimize or close the browser window.

  1. To order copies, use the Selection List section in the bottom portion of the page. You can either add your selections manually or use a Multiselection Group.
    Adding Selections Manually
    To add a selection manually, choose Add Row. A new row appears at the top of the list. Use the drop-down menus to select your location and fund, then enter the number of copies you want to order in the box provided. Note that you can also use an undefined row (location and fund equal "none") if one already exists, instead of adding a new row.
    Add Entries using a Multiselection Group
    Using a Multiselection Group, you can add predefined sets of funds, locations, and copies in a single transaction. To use this feature, select a Multiselection Group using the drop-down menu. The system displays a table listing the fund, location, and copies sets that comprise that Multiselection Group. Choose Add Group to use the group currently displaying.
    Notes about Adding Selections
    • If you have the Preferred Locations and Preferred Funds set up, the system limits the funds and locations available to you while adding copies to orders in Web Works Selection Lists. Likewise, the system marks fund and location sets within a Multiselection Group that are outside of those allowed for your login. If you use that Multiselection Group, the system adds copies for all valid fund and location sets, but excludes those in red.
    • You cannot add selections to single-copy multi-fund orders in Web Works Selection Lists. The system identifies these orders by displaying the following message on the Selected Record Display: This record is a one copy (percentage) order. It is not editable.
  2. Once you have finished entering your selections, choose Save Changes. If another user is adding copies to the same record at the same time, the system might display the message Update unsuccessful. The record is currently in use by the system. Please try again later. If this occurs, wait a few moments for the record to free up and try to save again.

    If you do not save your changes before you move on to another page (by using either the browser's Forward and Back buttons or the system's Next Record and Previous Record buttons), your selections will not be saved.

  3. Choose Another Search to return to the Titles Display, Previous Record or Next Record to view another title in the review file, or Home to return to the list of review files.

If you are finished with your session, choose Logout to exit Web Works Selection Lists.

Adding Selections to Multiple Titles Simultaneously

Using this method, you can add copies to multiple titles simultaneously without having to view each order record individually. Note that you must use the same fund, location, and number of copies combination for each transaction.

From the Titles Display, do the following to use this method.

  1. Check the boxes in the left-hand column for those titles you want to order.
  2. Use the drop-down menus toward the top of the screen to choose the fund and location you want to use.
  3. Specify the number of copies you want to order for each title in the box next to the drop-down menus.
  4. When you are finished specifying the fund, location, and number of copies, choose Submit. After processing the transaction, the system refreshes the Titles Display and removes your entries from the check boxes and drop-down menus.
See also:
Web Works Selection Lists (Overview)
Using Web Works Selection Lists
Editing Selections
Deleting Selections