Creating Single-Copy Multi-Fund Orders

To create a single-copy, multi-fund order:

  1. Create or edit an order record.
  2. When you are prompted to enter the location, fund, and copies in the multi-field editor, enter the location for the copy.
  3. Enter the first fund in the Fund column.
  4. In the Copy# column, enter a percent sign (%) followed by the percentage of the order that should be attributed to the fund indicated for the row. (Note that you can enter up to two decimal places, e.g., E.25.) When you enter a percentage, Sierra automatically creates a new line for the remaining fund allocation. In the new line, the location is already filled in and cannot be edited.
  5. In the second line in the Fund column, enter the next fund to which the single copy should be allocated.
  6. In the second line in the #Copies column, the system automatically fills in the percent that would make the copy 100% paid.
    • To accept that allocation, press Enter.
    • To continue splitting the copy among funds, enter the percentage of the total cost which should be allocated to the second fund. If the percentage you enter, combined with the other percentages for the copy does not add up to 100%, the system adds another row. Continue adding funds and rows until you have allocated 100%.
    Only after you have allocated 100% does the focus jump to the buttons below. (Sierra does not automatically create a new row.)
  7. Choose Next (in the template) or OK (when editing the field) to return to the record. The funds and percentages you entered will be listed in a variable-length FUNDS field.
See also:
Modifying Fields with Multiple Copies or Funds