Creating Vendor Performance Reports


To generate the Performance report:

  1. Choose Vendor Statistics from the Function list.
  2. Use the drop-down list to choose one of the following search methods, and enter the appropriate search criteria:
  3. Select Performance.
  4. In the From and To fields, indicate the date range for which you want to run the report.
  5. If you want to Limit by Order Type, click the default selection of "NONE" and select a value from the dialog that opens.
  6. If you do not want serials to be included in the report, check the Exclude serials option.
  7. To generate the report you have selected, choose Start.
  8. After the calculations are finished, the report displays the data in the following tabs:
  9. If you plan to copy the report data to the vendor records, including those that have reported no activity, select Reset All Vendors. Otherwise, only the vendors that have reported activity are updated when you choose to do so.
  10. To update your vendor records, select Copy to Vendors.

    When using this method to update your vendor records, be aware that there is no indication in the vendor records what group of order records, what time period, or what other parameters were selected for the update. Furthermore, each time you select Copy to Vendors, the new report data overwrites the existing data in the vendor records. If you want to use this feature, consider doing so on a regular basis so the data in the records has meaning for you.


Column     Description
Vendor Vendor code
Est. Price Orders Total sum of the E PRICE times the number of COPIES for all order records with an ODATE in the specified date range
Est. Price Receipts Total sum of the E PRICE times the number of COPIES for all order records with an ODATE in the specified date range and an RDATE; the RDATE does not have to be in the specified date range
Est. Price cancelled Total sum of the E PRICE times the number of COPIES for all order records with an ODATE in the specified date range and a STATUS of 'z' (cancelled)
Est. Price Outstanding Total sum of the E PRICE times the number of COPIES for all order records with an ODATE in the specified date range, no RDATE, and no 'z' in the STATUS field (i.e., not cancelled)
Amt Paid Total sum of the amounts in the PAID fields for order records with an ODATE in the date range; the PAID dates do not have to be in the specified date range.


Column     Description
Vendor Vendor code
Order Records Number of records with an ODATE in the specified date range
Copies Ordered Total number of copies from the COPIES fields of order records with an ODATE in the specified date range
Orders Recd Number of order records with an ODATE in the specified date range and an RDATE; the RDATE does not have to be in the specified date range
Copies Recd Total number of copies from the COPIES fields of order records with an ODATE in the specified date range and an RDATE; the RDATE does not have to be in the specified date range
Orders Cancld Number of order records with an ODATE in the specified date range and a STATUS of 'z' (cancelled)
Outstd Orders Number of order records with an ODATE in the specified date range, no RDATE, and no 'z' in the STATUS field (i.e., not cancelled)
Claims Total number of INT. NOTE fields that contain "Claimed" from order records with an ODATE in the specified date range
Orders Claimed Number of order records with "Claimed" in the INT. NOTE field and an ODATE in the specified date range

Delivery Time

For order records with ODATE fields that fall within the specified date range, the Performance report calculates the delivery time by subtracting the ODATE from the RDATE and converting it into weeks. It then counts the number of orders received within each time period.

Column     Description
Vendor Vendor code
Ave. Deliv. Time Average number of weeks to receive ordered material, where the ODATE is in the specified date range. If you received no orders from a particular vendor, the system enters a '?' in the Ave. Deliv. Time column.
X Wks Number of copies received in a given period of time. (A column appears for each incremental period of time. For example: "02 Wks", "04 Wks", "08 Wks", etc.)


The Percentages tab presents calculations of averages based on the data from the Amounts, Quantities, and Delivery Time tabs. As in the previous tabs, the order records must satisfy certain conditions for each calculation. For example, Ave. Est. Recd Price is based on the E PRICE in order records with ODATE fields that fall within the specified date range and with a date in the RDATE field. Another example is % Orders Claimed, which is based on order records with a date in the ODATE field that falls within the specified date range and with "Claimed" in the INT. NOTE field.

If the Performance report cannot perform a calculation because no data was available within a category for a vendor, a '?' appears in the appropriate column.


Calculations of averages and percentages is based on statistics reported in the Amounts, Quantities, and Delivery Time tabs. As in those tabs, the order records included in each calculation on the Totals tab must satisfy certain conditions. For example, % Orders Received in X wks is based on order records with an ODATE field within the specified date range and a date in the RDATE field. Another example is % Claimed, which is based on order records with "Claimed" in the INT. NOTE field and an ODATE field that falls within the specified date range.

Delivery time considers order records only with dates in both the RDATE and the ODATE fields, and the ODATE must be within the specified date range.


To verify whether certain vendors were not accounted for in the Performance report, run an Error report for messages pertaining to such vendors. Depending upon the number of vendors excluded from the Performance report, the compilation of error messages can be lengthy. To run the Error report:

  1. Select the Errors tab.
  2. Choose Get Vendor Errors. Vendor Statistics compiles a list of results on those vendors whose data was excluded from the Activity or Performance report.

If the Performance report couldn't access the vendor record when the report was being processed, you will see a Vendor <vendor code> at Order Recnum <record number> message.

If the file contains no errors, you will see No message in error file.

  1. After you have reviewed the messages and are ready to clear them from the display, choose Zero Error File.