Entering Orders in Foreign Currency

To enter orders in foreign currency, your library's Acquisition Option for Library uses foreign currencies must be set to "Yes".

You can enter orders in any currency defined in your library's Foreign Currency and Codes table. During the ordering process, the system displays a dialog with a drop-down menu listing all currencies in this table. Using this dialog, you can:


To change the exchange rate for a specific currency, see the Foreign Currency and Codes table.

Entering an Order in Foreign Currency

To enter an order in a foreign currency, do the following.

  1. Create the new order record.
  2. When the system prompts you for the EPRICE, choose the currency from the Currency drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the price in the foreign currency you selected. Use your local currency's separator as punctuation.

A variable-length FORCUR field is added to the record indicating the currency used and the amount in that currency. The EPRICE field contains the amount in your local currency.

Changing the Foreign Currency on an Existing Order

To change the currency used on an existing order, do the following.

  1. Retrieve the order record you want to edit.
  2. Select the EPRICE field for editing.
  3. Choose a new currency from the Currency drop-down menu. You can also change the amount in the foreign currency from the dialog that appears.
  4. Choose Save to save your changes.

When you change the foreign currency, Sierra automatically updates the FORCUR variable-length field and recalculates the local currency in the EPRICE field.

See also:
Entering Invoices in Foreign Currency